Week 8 (W/C 11th May
Friday 15th May 2020
Good Morning Crane Class,
It's Friday!!!! I have added your work below. Once again, please message me if you have any questions or problems
Have a great weekend....the weather is supposed to be beautiful.
Stay safe
Mrs Haines
Memory Box
Thursday 14th May 2020
Good Morning Crane Class,
I hope that you are all well this morning. I have added the learning for today and the next task for your memory box. I would love to see some photos of these when they are finished. I have added the link again for the colour banded e books. You may recognise some of these from school!
Password: Parents20!
I love hearing from you, so please keep in contact
Have a good day
Mrs Haines
Design and Technology - Simple designs https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zr3tpg8
Memory Box
Wednesday 13th May 2020
Good Morning Crane Class,
I hope that you all had a good day yesterday. At the moment, we are living through a period of time that will be talked about in the future. To help you remember this time, we thought it would be special for you to create a memory box. Each day, we will be adding a different activity that can complete if you wish. I have added the details at the bottom of today's work. I have also found another website where you can access some new ebooks to read. Follow the information and select your reading colour.
Password: Parents20!
Have a good day and please email if there are any problems - CHaines@manor.reading.sc.uk
Mrs Haines
Memory Box
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Good Morning Crane Class,
I hope that you all had a good day. Thank to everyone who has been sending in their learning to me....it really makes me smile. I have added today's learning below. Please email me if there are any problems
Have a good day
Mrs Haines
Monday 11th May 2020
Good Morning Crane Class,
I hope that you have had a good weekend and enjoyed celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day with your families. We would love to see some photos of your celebrations. I have added the work for today below. If you have any problems or questions please email
Have a good day
Mrs Haines
History - Who was King Henry VIII https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhhsf4j