Manor Primary School

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Week 8 (W/C 11th May

Friday 15th May 2020

Good Morning Crane Class, 

It's Friday!!!! I have added your work below. Once again, please message me if you have any questions or problems

Have a great weekend....the weather is supposed to be beautiful.


Stay safe

Mrs Haines

Art and Design - Drawing and Painting

Thursday 14th May 2020

Good Morning Crane Class, 

I hope that you are all well this morning. I have added the learning for today and the next task for your memory box.  I would love to see some photos of these when they are finished.  I have added the link again for the colour banded e books. You may recognise some of these from school!

Password: Parents20!


I love hearing from you, so please keep in contact

Have a good day

Mrs Haines

Add more and count on within 20 on

Watch the video and then complete the worksheet.
Practical ideas - use objects to add 2 numbers together. What is the whole? What are the two Parts?

Design and Technology - Simple designs


Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good Morning Crane Class, 

I hope that you all had a good day yesterday.  At the moment, we are living through a period of time that will be talked about in the future.  To help you remember this time, we thought it would be special for you to create a memory box. Each day, we will be adding a different activity that can complete if you wish.  I have added the details at the bottom of today's work.  I have also found another website where you can access some new ebooks to read. Follow the information and select your reading colour.

Password: Parents20!

Have a good day and please email if there are any problems -

Mrs Haines

Add together and find a part

Watch the video and complete the sheet.
Practical maths - use objects for the two parts. Can you find the whole?

Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good Morning Crane Class, 

I hope that you all had a good day.  Thank to everyone who has been sending in their learning to really makes me smile.  I have added today's learning below.  Please email me if there are any problems

Have a good day

Mrs Haines

Shake Break | Brain Breaks | Jack Hartmann


Lesson 2 - Fact families - linking addition and subtraction (1)

Watch the video and complete the worksheet.
Practical maths - Use your 10 frames that were sent home and different coloured counters. Can you say/record the different fact families? You can take some photos of your learning.

Geography - Introduction to Asia

Monday 11th May 2020

Good Morning Crane Class, 

I hope that you have had a good weekend and enjoyed celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day with your families.  We would love to see some photos of your celebrations. I have added the work for today below.  If you have any problems or questions please email

Have a good day

Mrs Haines

Part-whole relationships number bonds

Watch the video and complete the worksheets. I have added an extension sheet that some of you may want to try. You could time yourself to see how long it takes to give you an extra challenge!
Practical ideas - Use your 10 frames and different coloured counters or lego to find ways to make 10 or 20 and verbally rehearse the number sentence before writing it down.

History - Who was King Henry VIII

