Week 15 (29th June - 3rd July)
Monday 29th June - Friday 3rd July 2020
Good morning Goldfinch. I hope that you all had a good weekend. I have uploaded work for the entire week. I am hoping that this will make it easier for you to plan ahead and have things ready. Remember it's entirely up to you how much you choose to do. Try to do a bit of maths, reading and writing each day. Cooking, playing games and exercising are all really important and help to develop many different skills, so please continue to do these together. If you have any photo's then please send them to me. janthony@manor.reading.sch.uk
Phonics Play. This site contains lots of games to help support your phonics for reading and spelling.
Monday: Ordering numbers
Tuesday: Recognising Coins
Wednesday: Recognising Notes
Thursday: Counting Coins
Friday: Challenge
Maths Monday: Ordering Numbers
Work on your numbers. What number can you count up to? Have a look in books, can you say what number are on the pages?
Maths Tuesday and Wednesday: Recognising Coins and Notes
Can you find all the different coins in your house? 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2. What about notes...do you have any notes in your home? What do you notice on the coins and notes?
Maths Thursday: Counting Coins
Using coins at home, make piles of different amounts. How many different ways can you make different amounts? How many 1p coins do you have? How many 2p coins? Etc.
Maths Friday: Challenge
The aim for today is to use your maths skills for real life problems e.g...
- Follow a recipe and measure out the ingredients.
- Write a shopping list and the cost of the items.
- Make your own timetable for the day, recording times.
- Play a board game that uses maths.
Choose a different English task each day.
Task 1: Handwriting: Choose a book and copy out a page in your best handwriting.
Task 2: Reading Comprehension: Read a story book and answer the following questions:
- What happens in the story?
- Who was the main character?
- What was your favourite part?
- Did you like the book?
- Who would you recommend this book for and why?
Task 3: Draw your own fictional character and add descriptive words around it. E.g. Long, curly tail.
Task 4: Spelling - Use Nessy to work through your spelling and reading targets.
Task 5: Create your own postcard to send to a family member or friend. Include a picture on one side and a little message on the back. Don't forget to also write their address.
Please ensure that you read for at least 10 minutes each day.
Fine Motor Work Suggestions:
1. Strengthening Hands - Use playdough, plasticine, blu tac to squeeze and make large and then small shapes.
2. Hand massage - Show someone in your family how to do a hand massage and then get them to give you one too.
3. Knife and fork - During dinner ensure that you use a knife and fork. Hold them correctly and use your knife to cut your own food up.
4. Scissors - Cut out pictures from old magazines or colouring-in books, try to cut along the lines carefully.
5. Zips, buttons and laces - Work on these fine motor tasks with an adult.