Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Autumn 2020

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

The final video, this time from the wonderful Nursery and Foundation Stage 2 children! The children have worked hard this term to create a lip sync video. They spent time learning the actions to match the words, came dressed in their jumpers and had a fun day recording this. Enjoy!

A day at the Theatre

Today the children got into the Christmas spirit by watching a virtual pantomime. The nursery was turned into a theatre for them. They gave their “tickets” and chose their seats and enjoyed watching ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. At the “interval” the children went to the kiosk to get ice cream which they really enjoyed. A great Christmassy day was had by all.

Santa letters

The children have been writing their letters to Santa this week. In their letters they wrote what they were proud of achieving this year and then they listed 4 items they would like for Christmas, finally signing it with their name. They then put it in an envelope, went and bought some stamps from the post office and posted them in the letterbox. They really enjoyed sharing this experience with their peers and talking about what they would like for Christmas. 

Obstacle Course and Bridges

The children enjoyed using different construction resources to make their bridge with a little help from the adults. They balanced and used big steps to confidently get around. Throughout this activity the children kept saying “the floor is lava.”
The children did well not to step on the floor, they were engaged in this for a good 15-20 minutes.

Cutting vegetables

The children had various vegetables to explore and chop on the investigation tuff tray this week. They worked hard and were really persistent as it wasn’t easy. They cut into and chopped off little bits. Their confidence grew as the activity went on

Numbers 1, 2 and 3

This week the children have been exploring more about the numbers 1, 2 and 3. They began by recognising the numerals and counting out the correct number of objects for each numeral. They then had a selection of everyday items which they had to count and out in the correct t. The children worked really hard with their partner to complete these activities, communicating well with each other and listening to what each other said.
The children had a great day celebrating Diwali today. They made their own diva lamps which they painted and decorated with glitter and sequins. They made brightly coloured cupcakes, drew rangoli patterns on the floor and shared a buffet together. They had a great day and really enjoyed spending some time together.

Counting, Ordering and Comparing

In Maths this week the children have been looking at numbers 0-3. They began with identifying the numbers on the rockets. Continuing on the children then built towers for each number using 1:1 counting. They then explored one more and one less and how that changes the number. The children showed great focus and concentration during this activity and also attempted some reasoning as to how they knew they were right.

Poppy Printing

To commemorate Remembrance Day the children created their own poppy field pictures. With an apple cut in half they printed the poppy using red. They then used a cotton bud to create a black centre. They completed their painting with green stems which they painted with their fingers. The children chose how many poppies they wanted in their field and designed their paintings independently.

Name Writing

The children focused on name writing today. They began by copying over their name. They then attempted to write letters from their name independently using the Ruth Miskin rhymes to aid their letter formation. They finally selected and ordered the letters from their name.

Remembrance Day

For Remembrance Day we created a wreath as part of a whole school project. The children used their hands to create the wreath shape and then used a potato to print the poppy, finally using their fingers to make the poppy centre.

Dinosaur Dance

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

The children in PE this term are creating dances based on dinosaurs. To begin this unit they discussed different types of dinosaurs and the different ways they moved. When the card was shown to them they moved like the dinosaur. They chose to stomp slowly, fly, run and roar!


Woodland Clay

This week during Welly Wednesday the children were encouraged to find something in the field that was of interest to them and wanted to keep. We knew at this time of year it was going to be a challenge for the children, our only specification to them was NO BROWN LEAVES! 
They each had a ball of clay and went hunting around the school field. They did a great job, found many different nature objects and stuck them in their ball of clay. We had feathers, different flowers, berries, small sticks and even an empty snail shell.

Number Collections

The children have been exploring the numbers 1, 2 and 3. They were given the numbers which first they had to order. They then created collections of objects for each number using numicon, ladybirds, dice and blocks. The children worked in pairs to do this and checked their answers by counting.

Firework Night

To celebrate fireworks night the children completed some fireworks activities. They began with making sparklers. To do this they melted chocolate, dipped a breadstick in and sprinkled 100’s and 1000’s on it. The children then moved on to making a firework mural. They discussed the noises the different fireworks made. When the sound relating to the rockets was made they flicked the paint. When they heard whizz they spiralled the paint like a Catherine wheels. Finally they discussed sparklers. When they heard the word fizz they sprinkled glitter on their mural. The children showed amazing listening skills and enjoyed discussing what they were doing.

Family Friday

The children had a great time at their half termly Family Friday. The children’s parents were invited in and they were given a variety of activities to do. They could do painting, carve pumpkins, make pumpkin sweet parcels and make pumpkins lanterns. Everyone had a great time and the children enjoyed sharing it with their parents!

Nature Rainbow

The children enjoyed another successful Welly Wednesday. They were given the task of creating a rainbow using natural objects. They had to find items that were red, orange, yellow, green and red. They put these in a basket and then took them back to Nursery where they assembled them to make a beautiful rainbow. Well done Nursery!

Body Map

This week the children have been looking at the different parts of their bodies. They went on a treasure hunt to find the body part labels and then as a group worked together to label our human. The children really amazed us with their knowledge!

Music- Egg Shakers

Still image for this video
In music the children have been learning about rhythm. Using songs and egg shakers they played along to the beat and the directions of the songs. They had a great time and were really engaged, enjoying sharing their experience with their peers.

Emotion biscuits

This week the children have been exploring emotions and expressions. They have been talking about how they feel and to finish the week they chose their favourite emotion and created their own emotion biscuit!

Comparing groups with reasoning- more and less

The children have been working on their use of mathematical language and reasoning. Today they were given a picture to look at and discussed the number of items and which had the most. The children then had to explain how they knew. They remained focused throughout this and could explain their reasoning clearly.

P.E- Slithering Snakes

This week in PE the children focused on moving like snakes. They talked about how snakes move and where they live. The children said they slithered across the floors, went through tunnels and along trees and hid under the rocks. Using gymnastics apparatus the children replicated this movement and used their upper body strength to move across the floor.

Role Play

The children have enjoyed getting into character this week with mummies and doctors arriving in Nursery. They have used props to aid their imaginative play with great success!

Stick Man

This week the children read the story ‘Stickman’ and went to the field to collect the sticks to make our very own stick person. The children chose a stick for their body, arms and legs and together we used tape to make the stick man shape. The children used different materials for their hair and finally stuck on some googly eyes.


Today the children were exploring their senses. They spent time looking at a variety of different foods and then describing them using their senses. They were presented with soy sauce, marmite, mustard, honey, lemon, pineapple, chocolate, mint Polo, crisps and dip. The children first had to describe what the food looked like, then what it felt like, what it smelt like and finally what it tasted like. At each step as a group they generated appropriate vocabulary to fit. Every child tried every item so we were super impressed that they tried new things! Well done!

P.E- Gymnastics

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Still image for this video
In P.E the children have been focusing on gymnastics. They have been doing this in the context of jungle animals. They began by moving like different animals and then learnt to climb up the wall bars, through them and down the other side. The children then moved on to climbing up the gym apparatus, along the bench and jumping off the other side. They needed lots of confidence and bravery to do this and they definitely show this!

Muddy Monday

We changed our Welly Wednesday to Monday this week. The children went to the school field and found the conker tree there. They had great fun collecting a number of conkers and also sticks so they can make their own stick families!

Self- Portraits

This term the children are focusing on the topic 'Marvellous Me'. As part of this they identified the different features they have on their face such as hair and eye colour and other features such as a nose and mouth. They then drew this next to a photo of them. I think they did a great job!


The children were very happy to see the tortoises return to Nursery and enjoyed spending time with them and feeding them their favourite snacks.

Welly Wednesday

For our first Welly Wednesday we decided to show the children the newly renovated Nature garden at the back of the school. The children spent time exploring the new areas such as the fairy garden, the animal hides and also the texture boxes. They also enjoyed pond dipping and looking for newts!

Name Writing

This week the children focused on name writing. They enjoyed copying over their own name and then refining their independent writing with specific letter formations for their name. I think we can all agree they did a great job and should be very proud of themselves!


Nursery spent the first few days getting to know their new Nursery. They explored lots of the toys we have inside and out and really enjoyed themselves!