Spring 2022
Dear Parents,
A reminder that our curriculum drivers are oracy, health and enrichment. We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of reading with your child every day. This includes listening to your child read their school books and enjoying sharing another story (from school or home) perhaps at bedtime. If this is recorded in their Home-School Diary for every 5 times they read, they will earn a star.
Each child has one book within their reading level (their ZPD book), and one more book which they have chosen from any book in school.
Children are also expected to practise times tables at home using the website Times Tables Rock Stars. The expectation is that children are fluent with facts up to 12x12 by the end of year 4 at the latest.
Pupils need to have all items of uniform clearly named. On PE days children should be wearing a yellow roundneck t-shirt, plain dark tracksuit bottoms, school jumper or cardigan and appropriate footwear. Please note that jewellery is not part of the Manor School uniform.
As we are in the spring term, the weather is still cold, so when necessary please ensure your child has a hooded raincoat, hat and gloves in school.
We look forward to working with you.
Year 3 & 4 Team
Miss Marney dmarney@manor.reading.sch.uk
Mr Jeffreys pjeffreys@manor.reading.sch.uk
Mrs Farrell dfarrell@manor.reading.sch.uk
This term, our learning covers these areas.
Children have learnt about light, reflections and shadows. We will move onto learn about electricity which builds on learning in DT around torches already.
Children have explored work and travel, understanding how travel agents work and different forms of transport. They have also explored how supermarket supply chains work for different foods.
Pupils will understand changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods. They will note connections, contrasts and trends between the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age and develop the appropriate use of historical terms. Pupils will also regularly ask and answer questions about these periods.
Children will develop their own sketchbooks, explore optical illusions, design a willow pattern, explore the work of artist Paul Cézanne, sculpting with soap, and drawing still life.
Children have explored how webpages and websites make up the world wide web. They have created their own websites using Google Sites including text, images, videos, hyperlinks and more. We have also explored HTML and CSS as underlying languages for the web.
Children have continued to develop their musical knowledge by appraising songs, singing, and playing parts of them using glockenspiels. Children will continue to develop their skills of composition and improvisation to explore how music can help to make the world a better place.
Children have been developing their skills in gymnastics including moving at different heights, balancing, and partially bearing weight on their hands. Children have also taken part in taster hockey activities. Children in year 3 will develop skills to play netball games, and children in year 4 will develop skills to play hockey games.
Children have explored torches, and designed their own including constructing them using electrical components. They have evaluated these and reflected on how suitable they were for their purpose.
Children will explore the Jewish festival of Passover, and the Christian festival of Easter. They will explore the stories behind both, key beliefs, rituals and practices involved in observing these.
Children have explored their dreams and goals including reflecting on their ambitions and dreams, how to adjust their plans to respond to disappointment, and setting future goals. They will continue to explore aspects of healthy living including how a balanced diet and physical activity help us to live healthy and fulfilling lives.