Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Week 16

Friday 10th July

Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!


Phonics- Today we are going to continue to learn the 'ee' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'e' 'ea' 'ee' and 'y'.


Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'ee' sound. 


- mean     -fussy     -eel     -breed     -lily       -we       plead


Now ask a grown up to draw out the following table for you and write each spelling of the 'ee' sound in each box.

Can you sound out and then write out the following words in the correct box depending on which spelling of 'ee' is being used.

- treat   - sleepy    - jazzy    - street    - he    - bean      - smelly     -me


Now have a go at writing the sentence 'The sheep ate the green grass'.


Writing- Have a look at the picture below. Imagine you are a pirate and write a couple of sentences saying what you can see on your boat journey. e.g. I can see a sea gull. I can see a map. I can see some fish. 


Maths- Revisit halving by having a go at answering the questions below. You may want to use counters to help you work out the answers.

Thursday 9th July

Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!


Phonics- Today we are going to continue to learn the 'ee' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'e' 'ea' 'ee' and 'y'.


Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'ee' sound. 


- read     -meal     -meet     -funny     -tummy       -she       clean


Now have a go at writing the sentence 'The sheep ate the green grass'.


Writing- Have a look at the picture below. Write a list of the creatures that you can find under the sea. 


Maths- Revisit doubling and halving by having a go at answering the questions below. You may want to use counters to help you work out the answers.

Wednesday 8th July

Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!


Phonics- Today we are going to continue to learn the 'ee' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'e' 'ea' 'ee' and 'y'.


Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'ee' sound. 


- tree     -tea     jelly     -we     


Now ask a grown up to draw out the following table for you and write each spelling of the 'ee' sound in each box.

Can you sound out and then write out the following words in the correct box depending on which spelling of 'ee' is being used.

- Polly   - be    - free    - meal    - fizzy    - eat      - she     -peel


Now have a go at writing the sentence 'We can have tea in the tree'. 


Writing- Have a look at the picture below. Write a list of the objects you can see. Can you spot an object that uses the 'ee' sound?


Maths- Revisit doubling and halving by having a go at answering the questions below. You may want to use counters to help you work out the answers.


Tuesday 7th July

Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!


Phonics- Today we are going to continue to learn the 'ee' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'e' 'ea' 'ee' and 'y'.


Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'ee' sound. 


- read    - see    - keep    - she    - feet


Now ask a grown up to draw out the following table for you and write each spelling of the 'ee' sound in each box.

Can you sound out and then write out the following words in the correct box depending on which spelling of 'ee' is being used.

- eat   - he    - Jean    - three    - messy    - dolly      - me     -seed


Now have a go at writing the sentence 'She ate all her peas'. 


Writing- Have a look at the picture below. Can you make a list of as many farm animals that you can think of?


Maths- Continuing our focus on money, write down how much each ice cream costs. You may need to add some of the coins together so you may want to use a number line or another method to help you. 

Monday 6th July

Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!


Phonics- Today we are going to  learn the 'ee' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'e' 'ea' 'ee' and 'y'.


Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'ee' sound. 


- meet    - tea    - seen    - funny    - clean    - dolly


Now have a go at writing the sentence 'He had tea in a tree'. 


Writing- Have a look at the picture below. Write two sentences that describes what is happening in the picture. e.g. 'He is in the pool' or 'They are swimming'. 


Maths- Continuing our focus on money, complete the questions below. 

