Week 11 (1st - 5th June)
Friday 5th June 2020
Hello Goldfinch, it's Friday! :-) I hope that you have all had a wonderful week and kept safe. Remember, please don't worry if there is work that you are unable to do. It's important that you are keeping happy and safe. I am very pleased to hear from lots of your parents that you are working well at home. I will be calling some more parents tomorrow. Our next Zoom call will be next week. I will send an invite to you all very soon.
Work for today:
1. Reading comprehension - NHS, differentiated.
2. Maths - I would like you to work on your number bonds today. Pick a number which is a challenge for you, e.g. to 50. 25 + 25 = 50, 30 + 20 = 50, 49 + 1 = 50. Alternatively, I have also attached 2 maths tasks below. One which focuses on numbers to 20 using building blocks, and the second that is addition colour-by-numbers, this is differentiated to 10, 20 and 30.
3. English - What am I? I want you to think of an animal. Without telling anyone the animal, write/ share a set of clues to help someone to guess. Can you guess mine...What am I?
I am oval shaped,
I have 6 legs,
I like to eat aphids,
I have wings,
I have spots on my back,
I am red,
a famous one of me is called Gaston.
What am I? A ladybird :-)
If you have the game 'Guess Who', why don't you challenge someone to a game!
Thursday 4th June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch! I hope you are all well and that you managed to help others yesterday with some acts of kindness. Perhaps if you didn't get to do any yesterday, you could do some today. Remember, send me your photo's of you working, playing or just with big smiles on your faces, I love to see them! From Mrs Baker :-)
Tasks for today:
1. Well being task. I want you to complete the two sheets, if you can't print the work that's not a problem, just complete it on paper.
2. Maths - Choose the one best for you!
Task 1. Mini beast counting to 10.
Task 2. Mini beast counting to 20.
Task 3. Maths mastery challenge.
3. English - Choose the one best for you!
Task 1. Phonics activity sheet.
Task 2. Find a reading book and copy down 5 words that are a challenge for you to spell. See if you can then write your own sentences for these 5 words. With an adult, play hang-man and pick words from a book to help make the words more challenging!
4. Fine motor task (Scissors)
Bee activity sheet - cutting and sticking to create your own bee.
Alternatively, find a different cutting task, such as cutting out pictures from a colouring book or cutting out shapes that you learnt yesterday. Think about the way you are holding the scissors and holding the paper.

Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch! It was lovely to get chance to catch up with some of you yesterday. I will be calling more each day. Remember if you need anything then please just get in touch.
Task 1: Helping at home- Today I would like you to try helping at home. For 1 hour I want you to help with some house work. Ask an adult at home and see what you could do to help. Cleaning, cooking, polishing, vacuuming, washing up, gardening etc. Either take some pictures of you hard at work or write down a list of the things you did! This is about helping others and developing responsibility, so be helpful and kind.
Task 2: Maths and English - Help plan a meal to cook next week. Look up the recipe or get inspiration from the cupboards, write a list of what needs to be used/bought and if possible, include how much each item will cost. Write yourself some instructions or draw some pictures that you will be able to follow.
Task 3: Sensory Play/ Arts and Crafts- I have attached 2 different suggestions. Have a look and see if you can either do a sensory activity or an arts and crafts task. You may not have the items on the list, so how about trying your own sensory play or arts and crafts using items at home. These tasks will help with fine motor, sensory, planning, organising etc...plus it should hopefully be lots of fun! Please send me a picture of your creation!
Task 4: Reading- I have included some links to some good web sites for reading books for free. There are also some audio books. Share a book with someone at home.
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch! I have really missed you all while I have been off, but it's been lovely getting updates from Mrs Anderson. Please email me janthony@manor.reading.sch.uk if you need any help with the home learning . I will be trying to make contact with you all this week, either through email or phone.
Below are some work activities for today.
1. Handwriting. Start by warming up your hands, do some stretches, squeeze some playdough or grab some hand cream and warm them up with a hand massage. You can can do the work on the sheet below or using your own resources at home, such as water on pavement, chalk, pencils etc.
2. Maths. There are 2 maths activites, both are learning 2D shapes. Have a look at the word mat and see which ones you can name. Complete one of the maths actiivities. Alternatively make your own 2D shape poster to put up at home to learn.
3. Memory game. Like the game we play in class. Find some items and get someone to take an item away. Alternatively, cover them all up and see if you can draw the items on a piece of paper. Read the game instructions below for more ideas!
4. Reading. Please remember to read for 10 minutes today. On our Zoom call this week I would love to hear about a book you have been reading at home.
Work for Tuesday
Monday 1st June 2020
Good morning to you all. I hope you've had a good half term and have enjoyed the lovely sunshine. We are very pleased that Mrs Baker is back and she will setting the work for Goldfinch soon, plus hosting the Zoom calls. I will be around though and will keep in touch. Mrs Baker is really looking forward to seeing your great work and hearing from you. You can get in touch by emailing janthony@manor.reading.sch.uk