Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Week 15 (29th June-3rd July)

Good morning Dove and Eagle class,


Hope you all had a lovely week last week and managed to enjoy the sunshine?  

We enjoyed seeing some of you on our zoom calls last week and hearing how you are getting on smiley

We have now reached week 15 of home learning!  You are all doing so well and we are extremely proud of you all.

Like last week, we will be posting the whole weeks tasks in one go, instead of doing it daily. Keep checking each day though for the English and Foundation subject BBC tasks as these won't be posted until the night before.

Remember to try and keep yourselves active and get outside for walks and bike rides if you can!!

We are missing you all very much.

Remember to stay in touch as we love hearing from you!smiley


We have copied the link for accessing colour reading books below. Why not try and access a reading book above your child's current reading colour and see how they get on! Log in details:



Password: Parents20! 

Maths- Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes

Maths - Count faces, edges and verticies on 3D shapes

Maths-Sorting 2D and 3D shapes

Maths - Patterns with 2D and 3D shapes
