Week 15
Friday 3rd July
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Phonics- Today we are going to continue learning about the 'ai' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'ai' 'ay' 'ea' and the spilt spelling 'a-e'. The spilt spelling is where there would be another letter in the middle of the a and e.
Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'ai' sound.
- tray - blame - break - sprain - take - pray
Now have a go at writing the sentence 'She ate a green cake'.
Writing- Write a list of the different things that you can see in the beach picnic picture shown below. Don't forget to use bullet points or numbers before each object you write down. Have a go at sounding out the words yourself.
Maths- Continue practising adding money by working out how much is in each piggy bank. The amounts will be different to yesterday! Remember not to just count how many coins there are but have a look how much each coin is worth instead!

Thursday 2nd July
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Phonics- Today we are going to continue learning about the 'ai' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'ai' 'ay' 'ea' and the spilt spelling 'a-e'. The spilt spelling is where there would be another letter in the middle of the a and e.
Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'ai' sound.
- way - pail - pain - great - came
Now ask a grown up to draw out the following table for you and write each spelling of the 'ai' sound in each box.
Can you sound out and then write out the following words in the correct box depending on which spelling of 'ai' is being used.
- plate - stay - rain - whale - break - lake - may - rail
Now have a go at writing the sentence 'A whale in the rain'.
Writing- Practice writing your capital letters. Can you say the letter name?
Maths- Practice adding money by working out how much is in each piggy bank. Remember not to just count how many coins there are but have a look how much each coin is worth instead!

Wednesday 1st July
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Phonics- Today we are going to continue learning about the 'ai' sound. Remeber there are different ways to spell the 'ai' sound and they all have the two letter, one sound rule. They are 'ai' 'ay' 'ea' and the spilt spelling 'a-e'. The spilt spelling is where there would be another letter in the middle of the a and e.
Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'ai' sound. Can you spot which spelling of the sound is being used.
- break - cake - train - tray - lake pain - day
Now have a go at writing the sentence 'Kate had a big steak'.
Writing- Have a look at the picture below. Write two sentences that describes what is happening in the picture. e.g. There is a big cake.
Maths- Continuing with our focus on money and also helping to practise your addition skills, can you write down how much money is in each jar? You might find it useful to write each question down as a number sentence so you can check your answers.

Tuesday 30th June
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Phonics- Today we are going to be learning about the 'ai' sound. There are different ways to spell the 'ai' sound and they all have the two letter, one sound rule. They are 'ai' 'ay' 'ea' and the spilt spelling 'a-e'. The spilt spelling is where there would be another letter in the middle of the a and e.
Have a go at sounding out the words below that each use the 'ai' sound. Can you spot which spelling of the sound is being used.
- pain - steak -play - cave
Now ask a grown up to draw out the following table for you and write each spelling of the 'ai' sound in each box.
Can you sound out and then write out the following words in the correct box depending on which spelling of 'ai' is being used.
- spain - stay - make - break - gain - gate - spray
Now have a go at writing the sentence 'I am great'.
Writing- Practice writing your capital letters. Can you say the letter name?
Maths- Continuing with our focus on money, can you place the following coins in order from worth the lowest amount to worth the most. You can either print off the sheet, draw out the coins or use real coins.
Monday 29th June
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Phonics- Click on the link below to practise the new phonics sounds that you have been learning.
Can you sound out the words below and then practise writing them in your workbooks. They all use some of the new sounds so don't forget the 'two letters make one sound' rule.
- sheep - cow
- cluck - barn
- farm - chicken
Now have a go at writing the sentence 'A sheep and a cow are in a barn'.
Writing- Write a list of the different things that you can see in the beach picture shown below. Don't forget to use bullet points or numbers before each object you write down. Have a go at sounding out the words yourself.
Maths- Have a look at the picture below showing different types of coins. Have a go at recognising and learning the name of each coin. Can you find any coins in your home and match them to the ones in the picture?