Week 5
Home learning
Friday 24th April 2020
Good morning Crane Class,
It's Friday!! I have been so impressed with the learning that you have been sending me. Well done. I love receiving photos from you. Next week we will be starting some new learning in maths so please make sure you have a look on Monday so you don't miss any of it. Have a good day and a fantastic weekend. Hopefully the sun will continue to shine.
Keep smiling Crane class....I'm so proud of you.
Mrs Haines
Daily Plan
Music – Sing along to one or more of the following songs. You will recognise them from our school assemblies. Have fun singing and dancing! Click on a link below for the songs and lyrics.
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Good Morning Crane Class,
I hope that you are all well and still enjoying the sunshine. I have attached the learning for today below.
Thank you for all of the emails and photos that you have been sending me. Lots of you are working really hard and I really enjoy seeing the work that you have been doing. Well done!
Please keep in touch
Have a good day
Mrs Haines
Daily Plan
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Good morning Crane Class,
I hope that you are all well. It was lovely to receive emails from some of you yesterday. Please keep sending them along with the photos of some of the activities that you have been doing. It's good to keep in touch.
Have a good day!
Mrs Haines
Daily Timetable
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Good morning Crane Class,
I hope you and your families are all well and are keeping safe. Thank you to everyone who sent me photos and emails yesterday. It was really good to hear from you again. You have been so busy and are continuing to work hard. Well done. I have attached the work for today below. On the daily plan, there are the handwriting words and the common exception words that I would like you to complete today.
You have probably heard about the BBC launching their own home learning programme, which will have daily lessons for different subjects. This is the link if you would like to have a look or access any of the lessons for extra learning https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-lessons/1
Remember to start your day with some exercise - Joe Wicks is still doing his 9am live workouts and Mr Lathia has set some challenges on the Stay Active page. Follow this link to see what challenges are waiting!
It's so lovely to hear from you all. Please keep in contact. My email address is
Have a good day, have fun and enjoy the sunshine.
Mrs Haines
Daily Plan
Maths Challenge questions 6-10
Monday 20th April 2020
Good Morning Crane Class! Welcome back. I hope that you have had a good Easter break and have managed to enjoy the sunshine with your families. Below I will add the daily plan for today as well as any other documents that you may need. A good way to start your day is with exercise, so remember that Joe Wicks goes live at 9 am every day. How many of you continued with this during the holidays? remember to keep in touch..... it's great to hear from you and see photos of everything that you are doing.
You have probably heard about the BBC launching their own home learning programme, which will have daily lessons for different subjects. This is the link if you would like to have a look or access any of the lessons for extra learning https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
Please keep in contact CHaines@manor.reading.sch.uk
Have fun and stay safe
Mrs Haines