Hi Eagle,
It was great to see so many on you on the zoom call yesterday, I hope you manage to join us again today. Sorry that I forgot to mention the class challenge but check out the class page for more details - let's see who can do the most skips or star jumps in a minute - Eagle Class or Dove Class? We need all of you to join in recording your best results each day to stand a chance and it's good to get moving.
If you have not had an email from me about doing the Blue Group maths you should be doing the Green Group maths.
A few of you have been asking about TimesTablesRockstars, if you need a reminder of your login and password just send me an email.
See you later.
Mrs Molley
Maths Blue Group - Add ones using number bonds
Watch the video and finish the worksheet that you started yesterday, I have posted it again.
When you are doing the part whole models you could use 3 plates or bowl and count out buttons, lego or pasta into the bowls to create your whole and parts. Remember that the parts need to add together to make the same number as the whole. It will also be useful to have the ten frames and objects to put in these.
Remember that 10 ones makes 1 ten!
Maths Green Group - Add a 2-digit and 1-digit number - crossing 10 Activity
Today there is no worksheet but you will be doing activities on paper as you watch the video. You will be looking at different strategies to help you add a 2 digit and 1 digit number. You might want to use a 100 square to help you and you can draw base 10 or use lego - long thin piece for 10 and small piece for 1.