Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Wednesday 20th January 2021

Good Morning Dove Class, 


I hope that you all had a good day yesterday.  I have added the work on for today below and look forward to seeing you at 9.30am.


If you have any questions, please email me


Stay safe, 
Mrs Haines

Early Morning task

English- Phonics, Reading and Writing

Please refer to the phonic groups list below to support you with finding the correct learning for your child.  There is a  read, hold and write a sentence for each group where appropriate.  If you have any questions, please email me.

For Reading, please go to and follow the use the log in and username sent to you via email.  Go to the Read Write Inc library and select the correct colour book.  This should of been on the email too but please email if you have any questions.

Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E

Add ones using number bonds

Watch the video and complete the second part of the worksheet. If you have collected the workbook, please go to 'Add ones using number bonds' and complete questions 5 and 6. If you still have time, I have also added a problem solving activity for you.
