5th - 8th January
Welcome back everyone. We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and a nice rest. If you have any questions about the learning that we have added, please email us:
Home Learning
Group A
PSED (Circle Time)
For the next few weeks each Friday as part of our circle time, we will be thinking about our Dreams and Goals.
Today have a discussion with your family, perhaps over lunch or dinner, about things that you have found tricky to do but with practise you managed to achieve it. E.g. when you started school you may have found it hard to write your name but with practise you can now do it by yourself. Maybe you struggled to ride your bike without stabilisers but now you can! What did you find tricky and how did you manage to do it? Is there anything that your family found tricky to do at first?
Have a look at the different dinosaurs shown below. Choose your favourite and have a go at drawing it. Keep your pictures, ready to show the class during the Zoom call on Monday! We can't wait to see your drawings and look forward to sharing ours too!
Thursday 7th January
It's been so lovely to hear from some of you and to see you enjoying the learning we have set. Please continue to add your pictures of your fantastic work to Tapestry (or email us). Keep up the great work!
Today we have included a 'maths challenge' document with some useful links to access fun mathematical songs, games and other activities. These are optional activities but it would be great to do if you feel ready for a challenge!
Understanding the World
Continuing our topic of dinosaurs, have a look at the PowerPoint entitled What is a Dinosaur? When you have finished, have a look at the second PowerPoint and practise learning the dinosaurs names. Miss Fryer- Saxby, Mrs Pitt and Mrs Belcher have to practise them too as some of them are quite tricky!
Wednesday 6th January
We hope you had a lovely first day. Please add your pictures to Tapestry (or email us) pictures of your fantastic work, so that we can display them on our page for everyone to see!
Please go to https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/free-ebooks/ where you can register and have access to free ebooks. Please select a book to read with your child, enjoy!
Warm up by joining in with The Dinosaur Stomp!
Today if you are able to, have a go at making your own obstacle course by using furniture and objects from around your home (if it's not too cold perhaps you could create one in your garden!).
Here's an example of one Miss Fryer-Saxby made...
1. Stand by the cushion and do 5 jumps
2. Bunny Hop to the coffee table and do 5 star jumps
3. Zig zag in and out between the toy dinosaurs
4. When you get to the end of the zig zag trail, practise your aim by throwing three teddies into the toy box.
You can use toys as cones or different furniture as markers/ starting points. Can you travel over/ under or through any obstacles? Make sure you ask your family for help setting up!
Finish by joining in with Walking in the Jungle. How many different ways can you move through the jungle?
Tuesday 5th January
Phonics is taught in small groups, so please look at the attached grid below to check to see which Phonics group your child is in. Once you know which group you are in, choose the correct videos to watch.
This term we are learning about Dinosaurs!
Have a go at joining in with the rhymes featured below. Can you create your own dinosaur actions and match your movements to the music? Click on the links below and enjoy singing and dancing along with your family!
The Dinosaur Hokey Pokey:
You put your claws in
You put your claws out
You put your claws in
and you scratch 'em all about
You do the Dino-Pokey and you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about.
Oh the dino-pokey, oh the dino-pokey, oh the dino-pokey,
Knees bent, claws stretched, roar, roar, roar!
More verses:
feet in/feet out/stomp them all about
teeth in/teeth out/chomp them all about
tail in/tail out/wag it all about