22nd-26th February
Welcome back everyone!
We hope you've had a great half term and enjoyed plenty of fun and relaxation after a busy term of home learning. We're really missing you all and hoping it won't be too much longer until we can all be together again. In the meantime, we'll continue to make the most of catching up and having some fun on our Zoom calls. These will remain on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9am for Blackbird class and 11.30am for Chaffinch class.
Last term we were very impressed with how hard you worked on the learning set. Keep up the great work this term. We love to hear how you are all getting on so please continue to keep in touch and share your work with us. Have a good week!
Mrs Pitt- hpitt@manor.reading.sch.uk
Mrs Belcher- sbelcher@manor.reading.sch.uk
Miss Fryer-Saxby- cfryer-saxby@manor.reading.sch.uk
Friday 26th February
Group A
Group D
Please complete Ditty Sheet 24: Packing.
Friday Fun!
Complete some of the activities from the grid below. Enjoy!
Thursday 25th February
Group A
Group D
Please complete Ditty Sheet 23: Cats.
Join in with this PE lesson to get your heart beating.
Wednesday 24th February
Group A
Group D
Please complete Ditty Sheet 22: Up the hill.
Today you are going to create your own wellbeing jar or box. Having things to look forward to can make you feel happier and improve your wellbeing. Each time you think of something you would like to do in the future, write it onto a piece pf paper and put it into your jar or box. Below are some instructions on how to make your jar or box.
Tuesday 23rd February
Group A
Group D
Please complete Ditty Sheet 21: A cat with a hat.
Expressive Arts and Design
Rainbow Fish is a kind and helpful friend, but unfortunately has a problem. Read the letter below and see if you can help.

Group D
Please complete Ditty sheet 20: In the bath.
The arrival of coronavirus has led to lots of changes to the way we all live our lives. It's more important than ever to be aware of our feelings, and to look after your mental health and our wellbeing.
Here are some tips:
- Talk about your feelings.
- Keep Active
- Be positive
- Have fun
Giving back to other people and showing kindness is another great way to also feel good about yourself!
Have a look at the following document to learn more about what 'kindness' is and use the kindness bingo boards to help you think about some opportunities to be kind today.