8th-12th February
Good morning Blackbird and Chaffinch Class.
We hope you've had a wonderful weekend. We've been so proud of the learning you have completed at home so far. It's now our last week before half term, so keep up the great learning before your well deserved break.
We always enjoy seeing you all on our zoom calls. These will remain on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 9am for Blackbird class and 11.30am for Chaffinch class. We're especially looking forward to an exciting Zoom on Friday, as it is fancy dress!
Please continue sending us photos of your fantastic work via email or Tapestry. We always love receiving these and it's great to share what you've been up to with your friends too.
Have a super week and keep up the great learning!
Friday 12th February
Good morning,
Don't forget it is fancy dress today for your class Zoom
As it is the last day of term, we have decided to come off timetable and would like you to complete some fun activities from the grid below. Please upload any photos onto Tapestry or email us.
Have a lovely half term!
Thursday 11th February
Group A
Group D
Please complete Ditty Sheet 19.
Expressive Arts and Design
Here are a couple of Chinese New Year decorations that you could have a go at making.
Practise your folding technique and have a go at making a fan for Chinese New Year! You can decorate your fan however you wish. Perhaps you could write Happy New Year on it using the Chinese alphabet we featured earlier in the week.
Using the guide below, have a go at making a Chinese lantern. Feel free to print out the lined piece of paper and use it for your lantern or use it as a guide to draw out your own.
Wednesday 10th February
Just a reminder that for Friday's Zoom it is fancy dress. You can either wear a costume that you have or make a mask or your own outfit.
Group A
Group D
Please complete Ditty sheet 18: My Dad.
Safer Internet Day
This week we have been thinking about Safer Internet Day. Read the story below featuring Smartie the Penguin and find out about how to keep safe online.
PSED- Circle Time
Using the table below, have a look at what Chinese animal you are. Using the pictures discuss what characteristics describe your animal? Can you relate to them. Now look at what animals some of your family members are and the characteristics that describe them.
Tuesday 9th February
Group A
Group D
Please complete Ditty Sheet 17: I get a rod.
Understanding the World
Read the following story about Chinese New Year and find out why each year is named after a different animal. Can you find out what animal year you were born in?
Listen to the following song about Chinese New Year. Begin to learn the lyrics and sing along. Perhaps if you have some bells at home you could try to play along in time to the music.
Monday 8th February
Group D
Please complete Ditty Sheet 16: Jam.
Understanding the World
This week, many people will be getting ready to celebrate Chinese New Year. Have a look at the PowerPoint below and begin to learn about Chinese New Year. How do people prepare? How do they celebrate? What occasions do you celebrate with your family?
Using the Chinese Alphabet pictured below, have a go at using the Chinese Alphabet to write your name.
Which symbols match the letters in your name?