Week 13 (15th - 19th June)
Friday 19th June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch. Hopefully we will get to see each other at 10:30 on our zoom call today. Remember to bring something for 'Show and tell'.
Task 1: Number Bonds to 10
Task 2: Number Bonds to 10, 20 and 100 (Differentiated - attached)
Life Cycle of a Butterfly- Writing Frame (Differentiated- attached)
Choose a book either from the Book band link below or from your home. Read it to an adult.
Thursday 18th June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch. I hope that you are all happy and healthy. Tomorrow during our 10:30 Zoom call could everyone have something to share for a short 'Show and Tell'. Find something that you are allowed to share with the class and tell us a bit about it.
Show and Tell: Get your item ready for our zoom call tomorrow. Have it ready and have a think about what you'd like to say about it.
English: The Life Cycle of a Butterfly - Reading comprehension. (Differentiated sheets attached).
Task 1: The Very Hungry Caterpillar activity booklet.
Task 2: Number Bond Challenge (Differentiated sheets attached)
Fine motor work: Cut and make a spider sheet (Attached)
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Hello, I hope you are all managing to get some home learning complete. Remember, none of the work is compulsory. If you can work with your child on anything, then great, but I completely understand that this cannot always happen! Play games together, read a book together, cook and have fun. What's really important at the moment is that you're all keeping safe and this includes how everyone is feeling, so don't let the home learning be too much of a chore. They will be learning lots at home, and getting to spend this time making memories and building on their family bonds is so important. Lots of things you do at home are things which we can't do in school, so embrace those.
Write a letter to a friend or a member of your family. Everyone enjoys receiving letters and it's a brilliant way of keeping in touch with others! If you would like to write to someone in Goldfinch then send it to me (janthony@manor.reading.sch.uk) and I can always forward it to them via email.
Task 1: Number shape addition to 20.
Task 2: Times tables activity.
Alternatively, work on your calculations, get an adult to set you 10 addition questions.
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch, I hope you have all had a good start to the week. Remember, if you are still working on your game, then continue with this.
Thanks for the photo's Ollie! Please email photos to: janthony@manor.reading.sch.uk
Sound and sight work - choose one of the pictures and write about what you can hear and see. Alternatively, play a game with someone where you describe what you can see and hear. See if they can guess the location. Some examples: at the park, at the beach, at a fun fair, at school, in the supermarket etc.
Measuring length - Use a ruler or a tape measure to work out the length of different items. Compare the length of different items in your home. I have attached lots of activities to choose from.
Social Skills:
Choose a board game to play with a family member. Board games are a great way to develop lots of different skills and is also a great way to have fun with your family.
Monday 15th June 2020
Good morning wonderful Goldfinch! It was really great to see so many of you on Friday. It's also been great to receive some more photo's of you! Thank you! I can't believe we are now into week 13. I hope that you are all staying healthy and happy.
Challenge task:
This week I am adding a challenge for you, which you can work on throughout the week if you would like to! I would like you to try to design and make a board game to play at home with your family. This will require maths, problem solving, writing, reading, fine motor skills and lots of creativity, so could be completed instead of some of the other tasks this week.
Things to include:
- Numbers on the board.
- Instructions.
- Game cards.
- Do you need money, tokens, points?
Here are some ideas...
English Tasks:
- Phonics - fill in the missing sound
- Handwriting - 'ar'
- Grammar - Adjectives and Nouns
Maths Tasks:
- Compare Mass Activity Cards - differentiated (answers also provided)