Autumn Term
Team Letter
This week the children are exploring repeating patterns. They spent time creating their own repeating patterns using paint and their fingers. The children followed a typical ABAB pattern and then moved on to AABAAB patterns when they had the confidence.
Teeth Brushing
Today the children have been focusing on brushing their teeth. They spent time putting the toothpaste on the tooth brush and then brushing their teeth. They showed how well they can do it and made sure they got to all the teeth. The children were over the moon that they got to take home their own toothbrush and toothpaste.
Body Parts Bingo
This week the children are focusing on different body parts and learning where they are and naming them. To see their understanding the children played a game of bingo in groups. A body part was called and the children had to cover the square and when they covered them all they shouted BINGO! They loved the game!
After reading The Colour Monster and making their own colour monsters, the children spent time thinking about what makes them feel different ways. With an adult as a scribe the children talked about what makes them happy, sad, loved, scared and calm. They wrote these ideas down and then the children had a go at writing over the top. They were encourage to use the appropriate tripod grip.
Mood Monsters
This week the children are focusing on emotions. Today they spent time reading the story The Colour Monster and then had a go at making their own colour monster. They chose their favourite emotion and used a variety of collage materials to decorate their mood monster with. The children then added eyes and a mouth to finish it.
Senses Exploration
To finish off their exploration of senses the children were tasked with generating vocabulary for very strong foods. They began by looking at them and smelling them and generated some language for this. They then moved on to touch before seeing if it made any sound. They then finished their exploration with tasting it. The children mind mapped the vocabulary and had a go at writing the different words using the Ruth Miskin rhymes to help with formation and the appropriate tripod grip.
This week the children continued exploring repeating patterns. They spent time creating their own repeating patterns of ABAB using potato printing. They chose their 2 shapes and spent time printing them and discussing what comes next.
After reading the story Elmer the children spent time creating their own Elmer. The children all took it in turns to colour in and decorate an individual square to create a collaborative masterpiece.
Shape Faces
Today the children spent time exploring different shapes. They began by naming and identifying the different shapes and then began to use them to create pictures of their faces. They considered the different shapes to use for the different parts of their faces.
Muddy Monday
Today the children spent time exploring different leaves and understanding that they come from different trees. The children began by going into the garden and finding a variety of different leaves. They then bought them back and tried to match them up to different trees. The children then chose their favourite and made crayon rubbings of their leaves.
Stick Family
After looking at themselves as individuals the children the moved on to looking at themselves as a family. The children began by identifying the different members of their family. They then selected a stick to replicate their family members and attached them to the paper. The children then finished this by labelling each family member. What a beautiful creation!
All About Me
The children spent today thinking about themselves. They began by writing a mini fact file about themselves. They spent time identifying their age, what they like, their favourite colour and what they want to be when they grow up. The children then spent time drawing their face using a paper plate. They thought about the correct colour of their hair, eyes and skin as they drew it.
Today in Maths the children spent time exploring large and small collections. They were given a variety of different objects and asked to group the same objects together. The children then talked about which ones were large collections and which ones were small collections.
Rainbow Fish
Today the children spent time reading the story 'Rainbow Fish'. They talked about how everyone is different and that this makes them who they are. The children then made their own fish using a variety of different collage materials. They chose the different colours and textures that they wanted and attached them to the fish. What beautiful fish they made!
Today the children spent some time doing some pre-writing patterns. They ensured that they had the appropriate pencil grip and then followed and independently wrote the patterns on the paper.