11th - 15th January
We hope you have all had a lovely weekend. It was lovely to see lots of pictures and hear updates about your home learning so please keep them coming! Don't forget that daily Zooms will be happening this week: 9am for Blackbird class and 11.30am for Chaffinch class so please try and log on each day if you can. If your child is attending school, they will be logging on with a member of staff from their bubble. We look forward to seeing you!
If you require guidance on how to upload pictures and videos to your child's Tapestry account then click here to access a helpful video.
If you have any questions about the learning that we have added or would like to be resent the Zoom invite, please email us:
Dinosaur Drawings
This morning as part of our Zoom phonecalls, we followed a tutorial about how to draw a dinosaur! Here are some of our efforts. We think they look fantastic!
Group A
PSED- Circle Time
Continuing our topic of dreams and goals...
Think back to last week where you thought of something that at first you found tricky to do but then with practise you were able to do it. There are some things that we may not be good at and want to get better at. Can you think of some examples, either at school or at home?
What will happen if we don’t try and give up easily on everything? What would you do? How can you achieve your goal?
Think of something that you would like to get better at and make this your goal. How are you going to achieve it?
Understanding the World
In today's episode of Andy's Dino Toybox, he explores how dinosaurs make friends.
Episode 5: The Show-Off
Thursday 14th January
Group A
Understanding the World
Have a look at the following PowerPoint that describes what dinosaurs liked to eat. Which dinosaurs were plant eaters and which dinosaurs were meat eaters? At the end of the PowerPoint, discuss with your family the different dinosaur diets. Can you sort the dinosaurs in terms of what they liked to eat?
In todays episode of Andy's Dino Toybox, two T-rexes go in search of fun. But when they get stuck in the muddy swamps, they need some help from the biggest dinosaur around.
Episode 4: Stuck in the Mud
Wednesday 13th January
Group A
Physical Development
Warm up by joining in with the Dinosaur Stomp.
Next think of as many jungle animals as you can. How do you think the animals move around the jungle? Have a family member call out different jungle animals and practise moving like that animal. e.g. slithering like a snake, jumping like a tree frog, flying like a parrot. Maybe you could have a go at calling out different jungle animals and your family could practise moving like them!
As part of your cool down, click here to join in with Cosmic Kids Yoga as they go on a jungle safari!
Understanding the World
In todays episode of Andy's Dino Toybox, baby Brachiosaurus has been a bit too greedy!
Episode 3: The Greedy Dinosaur
Group B
Listen to the following piece of music that is featured in the film The Good Dinosaur.
How does the piece of music make you feel? Look at the title of the music. What do you think is happening in the film when the music is playing? What instruments do you think you can hear?
Next, listen to Andy's Prehistoric Rap that we heard on our Zoom yesterday. Have a go at joining in with some of the words. Can you move like a dinosaur too?
Finish your music session by joining in with The Dinosaur Hokey Pokey that we learnt last week- have fun!
The Dinosaur Hokey Pokey:
You put your claws in
You put your claws out
You put your claws in
and you scratch 'em all about
You do the Dino-Pokey and you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about.
Oh the dino-pokey, oh the dino-pokey, oh the dino-pokey,
Knees bent, claws stretched, roar, roar, roar!
More verses:
feet in/feet out/stomp them all about
teeth in/teeth out/chomp them all about
tail in/tail out/wag it all about
Understanding the World
Today in Andy's Dino Toybox, Baby Spinosaurus goes on a quest to find out what you need to be a super swimmer!
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Expressive Arts and Design
Using materials of your choosing, have a go at making a 3D dinosaur. What materials are you going to use? How are you going to join them together? You could use playdough, junk modelling or any other materials that you can think of! Have a look at the pictures below for ideas...

Understanding the World
Each day, as part of our topic, we will be posting an episode of Andy's Dino Toybox. These are optional to watch but they feature cool stories and fun facts about dinosaurs! The first episode features a Velociraptor who investigates whether dinosaurs can fly!
Episode 1: Dinosaurs Can't Fly!