Week 17- The final week!
Friday 17th July
Last day of term! Take your pick from the activities below or have a fun filled day with activities of your choosing
Thursday 16th July
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Phonics- Today we are going to learn about the 'oe' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'oa' 'oe' 'o' 'ow' and the spilt spelling 'o-e'. The spilt spelling is where there would be another letter in the middle of the o and e.
Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'oe' sound.
- go - toe - bone - slow - float - most
Now ask a grown up to draw out the following table for you and write each spelling of the 'oe' sound in each box.
Can you sound out and then write out the following words in the correct box depending on which spelling of 'oe' is being used.
- only - cone - throw - thrown - snow - Joe - goat
Now have a go at writing the sentence 'Joe the dog ate a bone in the snow'.
Writing- Write down 5 things that you will miss the most about being in Chaffinch class.
Maths- Can you crack the code and solve the number sentences below?
Wednesday 15th July
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Phonics- Today we are going to learn about the 'oe' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'oa' 'oe' 'o' 'ow' and the spilt spelling 'o-e'. The spilt spelling is where there would be another letter in the middle of the o and e.
Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'oe' sound.
- throat - show - host - phone - potatoes - both
Now ask a grown up to draw out the following table for you and write each spelling of the 'oe' sound in each box.
Can you sound out and then write out the following words in the correct box depending on which spelling of 'oe' is being used.
- crow - goat - no - open - stone - toe - told
Now have a go at writing the sentence 'I told them both no'.
Writing- Write a list of all the capital letters. Can you write the matching lower case letter next to it?
Maths- Practise your adding and subtracting by answering the questions below. You could use counters/objects or a number line to help you if you wish.
Tuesday 14th July
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Phonics- Today we are going to learn about the 'oe' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'oa' 'oe' 'o' 'ow' and the spilt spelling 'o-e'. The spilt spelling is where there would be another letter in the middle of the o and e.
Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'oe' sound.
- so - stone - Moe - go - crow - moat
Now ask a grown up to draw out the following table for you and write each spelling of the 'oe' sound in each box.
Can you sound out and then write out the following words in the correct box depending on which spelling of 'oe' is being used.
- float - flow - glow - boat - toe - bone - most
Now have a go at writing the sentence 'The goat ate toast in a coat'.
Writing- Have a go at writing some tricky words from memory. If you need some help remembering them, you could always watch our tricky word videos...
Maths- Practise your adding and subtracting by answering the questions below. You could use counters/objects or a number line to help you if you wish.
Monday 13th July
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Phonics- Today we are going to learn about the 'oe' sound. You can spell it in the following ways- 'oa' 'oe' 'o' 'ow' and the spilt spelling 'o-e'. The spilt spelling is where there would be another letter in the middle of the o and e.
Have a go at sounding out and writing the words below that each use the 'oe' sound.
- goat - grown - phone - no - only -Joe
Now ask a grown up to draw out the following table for you and write each spelling of the 'oe' sound in each box.
Can you sound out and then write out the following words in the correct box depending on which spelling of 'oe' is being used.
- so - coat - toe - snow - throne - bow
Now have a go at writing the sentence 'Toad went in the cold snow'.
Writing- Practise your writing by writing out all the names of your family members. Don't forget ypur capital letters at the start!
Maths- Practise your adding and subtracting by answering the questions below. You could use counters/objects or a number line to help you if you wish.