Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Home School Agreement

The success of our children can be achieved with everyone working together, that is why we have our Home School Agreement in place


The School

The Pupil

The Parents/Carers


  • We will treat children fairly and encourage children to develop positive relationships
  • We will encourage children to behave well, and provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment
  • We will provide a broad and balanced curriculum tailored to the needs of each child
  • We will keep parents and carers regularly informed of their child’s progress
  • We will provide interesting and exciting clubs, trips and whole school events and keep parents and carers informed of these, including information on the school’s website
  • We will let you know of any concerns we have







  • I will arrive at school on time every day in school uniform and correct footwear
  • I will have all the equipment I need with me every day (including Home School Diary, Reading Target card, PE kit)
  • I will follow the school rules
  • I will be polite, respectful and caring of others and care for the school environment
  • I will take letters home promptly and return slips and messages when needed
  • I will do my homework to the best of my ability and hand it on time
  • I will let my teacher know if I have any worries









  • I will be respectful to other adults and children and be mindful of the school’s Code of Conduct
  • I will encourage my child to behave appropriately and be supportive of school policies
  • I will make sure my child attends school on time every day, entering through the playground entrance, and collect my child promptly at the end of the school day
  • I will take an interest in my child’s learning by supporting with homework, attending Parent/Teacher meetings and making sure they have the right equipment
  • I will return permission slips promptly
  • I will let the school know in a calm, supportive manner, of any problems which may affect my child’s health, work or behaviour
  • I will contact the school if I have any worries or concerns and not use social media websites such as Facebook to air any grievances



Teacher’s signature

Pupil’s signature

Parent’s/Carer’s signature
