Summer 2022
Fencing and Archery
This week we have had the opportunity to experience fencing and archery. We had a coach come and run a taster class for us to teach us how to play the sports. We all had lots of fun!

We have had fun exploring the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We learnt about how beans grow and the changes that take place and planted own beans. We remembered the importance of sunlight and water to help our beans grow and have looked after out plants really well. We are excited to see some changes happening already and they are growing taller and taller everyday and are close to reaching the giant castle we drew and added to the pots!
Bread Rolls
Today the children made their own bread rolls, using self raising flour and yoghurt. We talked about the importance of washing our hands and how to use equipment safely. They children were very careful when mixing the ingredients together and enjoyed rolling their dough. We also looked closely at the scales when weighing.

School Trip
Reception really enjoyed their school trip and had lots of fun. First we went to a ‘5 a day’ garden, where we dug for worms, went on a flower hunt, smelt different flowers and herbs and then planted a pea. Then, we went to Rushall Farm and had a ride on a tractor. We went into a chicken coop and were able to feed the chickens and turkeys and even hold them! We also got to sit on a tractor and finally we went to a field that contained sheep and got to stand very close to them.
Rhyming Words
The children listened to the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Then, using words from the story the children were able to match words that rhyme with each other.
Matching Pairs
The children played a game of matching pairs. They took it in turns to turn over one numeral card and one picture card and if they matched they got to keep them. First they had to recognise the numeral which was a number between 11-20 and then work out what number the picture card represents.