18th - 22nd Jan
Welcome to the Spring term home learning page for year 3 and 4 children. We'll be posting things here by 5pm for the following day, to give parents time to do any printing, etc. if needed.
Feel free to keep in touch with your class teachers and let us know if you need anything:
Falcon: Mr Jeffreys pjeffreys@manor.reading.sch.uk
Heron: Mrs Morris kmorris@manor.reading.sch.uk and Mrs Carlucci ccarlucci@manor.reading.sch.uk
Jay: Miss Marney dmarney@manor.reading.sch.uk
If you would like to access free books to read please follow this link to register, for free, and select your age range: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/free-ebooks/
Phonics for Heron and Jay class
In phonics, the children work in small groups. You will find a list of the phonics groups below so you know which group you are in. Groups A and B need to complete the speed sounds 2 activities daily. Groups C, D and E need to complete the speed sounds 3 activities daily.
Phonics Groups
Times Tables
Can everyone please practice their times tables daily. You could use Times Tables Rock Stars or Topmarks. We will set you a times table challenge on Friday on Times Tables Rock Stars!!
You'll find the links to the websites below.