Week 12 8th June
TTRS Battle of the Year Groups - so far year 3s are winning!
Good morning!
We hope you've all had a great week. We've added lots of new activities on this week’s activity grid. We hope you have lots of fun with these. We always love to hear how you are getting on with these and welcome your own ideas too.
We've also set up another exciting 'Times Table Rockstars Battle' between year 3 and 4 which is commencing today. Click on the link below to join in and help your year group! We'll look forward to sharing the results with you soon!
Bowling with bottles!
Thanks for sharing!
Can you guess what these animals are?
Fantastic writing from Alyssa!
Thursday 11th June 2020
Good Morning! We hope that the rain isn't dampening any spirits and you're all happy and well. If you haven't seen this already, JK Rowling has written a new book for children called The Ickabog. She is publishing new chapters daily on theickabog.com so it is a fab free read! There is also an illustrating task that comes with this book; JK is asking children to illustrate each chapter and send the pictures to her via the website. She will then include some of the pictures when the paper copy is published later in the year. So happy reading and happy drawing!
Wednesday 10th June
Well, it looks like you are enjoying our ocean topic! The oceans are full of fascinating, strange and wonderful creatures we hope you enjoy finding out about some of them and also how we can protect this precious part of our planet.
Continuing to put great effort into home learning- well done! 😀
Tuesday 9th June
Some fantastic work
Welcome to week 12 of lock-down! We've had some lovely weather so for long and now it's looking a bit more mixed! Take a look at the forecast picture below to make the most of days out to dodge the rain!
We know the weather changes all the time, so if you click on the picture it will take you to the latest forecast. We hope you can get outside between the rain showers!
Today is also World Ocean Day 2020. You will notice that a lot of your set work this week is linked to learning about the wonders of the ocean - we hope you enjoy it.
Falcon Class, Mrs Molley, jmolley@manor.reading.sch.uk
Heron Class, Mr Jeffreys, pjeffreys@manor.reading.sch.uk
Jay Class, Mrs Farrell, Mrs Belcher and Miss Marney, dfarrell@manor.reading.sch.uk and sbelcher@manor.reading.sch.uk and dmarney@manor.reading.sch.uk