Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Year 2

Look at our fantastic non-fiction posters about some of our favourite animals

Eagle Class exploring the garden!

Week One (23rd - 27th March)

Friday 27th March

Good morning, 


Thank you to those who have sent us their rainbow pictures, they look fantastic and will definitely make people smile.

Don't forget to join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. We still would love to see photos of you taking part in his workout, so don't forget to email us.



Reading – Read a book and identify any known common exception words and high frequency words. Complete one of the 3 comprehensions. Choose a comprehension that is suitable for you. At the bottom of each comprehension there are stars, the more stars there are the more challenging the text and questions will be. Once completed, please go through the answers and self correct any mistakes.

Writing – Write a response to the question ‘What invention do you think will change the world? Remember to include capital letters, full stops, conjunctions (because, but, so, if, when) and descriptive language.

Practise writing out these common exception words and putting them into a sentence. The words are: most, only, both

Maths – Complete the worksheet and answer as many questions as you can. The answers will be put onto the website tomorrow, so that you can self correct any mistakes.

Log into ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and complete the questions which have been set for you. Your login details are in your Home-School Diary.


Art - Draw or paint a picture of a member of the Royal Family.

Royal Family Art

Joe Wicks Workout

Joe Wicks Workout

Still image for this video

Rainbow Pictures

Scavenger Hunt Pictures

Thursday 26th March

Good morning, 

Thank you to those who have sent us photos of them helping to make a meal. You can see them on our Home Learning page.


David Walliams has a free story everyday at 11am on his website, so why not give it a listen:


Don't forget to join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. We would love to see photos of you taking part in his workout, so don't forget to email us.


Reading – Read a book or have a book read to you and identify any known common exception words and high frequency words. When you have finished, complete the book review sheet.

Writing – Write a response to the question ‘If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why would you choose it? Remember to include capital letters, full stops, conjunctions (because, but, so, if, when) and descriptive language.

Practise writing out these common exception words and putting them into a sentence. The words are: children, wild, climb.

Maths – Complete the worksheet and answer as many questions as you can. The answers will be put onto the website tomorrow, so that you can self correct any mistakes.

Log into ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and complete the questions which have been set for you. Your login details are in your Home-School Diary. Well done to India who has collected 4825 coins and Thomas who has collected 3402 coins!

Science - Can you find items in your house that are made from the different materials; fabric, wood, glass, metal and plastic.  Write a list of the items under each heading.

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Rainbow Trail

Nationwide, people have been creating rainbows and displaying them in their windows.

Could you create your own rainbow, to display in your window. These will help to cheer people up who are on their way to work or on their daily walk. There is a document attached below with some ideas you could use. 
Email us your rainbows so we can share them on this page and our Facebook page. 

Rainbow Trail Templates

Wednesday 25th March


Reading – Read a book and identify any known common exception words and high frequency words. Complete one of the 3 comprehensions. Choose a comprehension that is suitable for you. At the bottom of each comprehension there are stars, the more stars there are the more challenging the text and questions will be. Once completed, please go through the answers and self correct any mistakes.

Writing – Write a response to the question ‘If you could meet anyone, who would it be and why? Remember to include capital letters, full stops, conjunctions (because, but, so, if, when) and descriptive language.

Practise writing out these common exception words and putting them into a sentence. The words are: mind, behind, child

Maths – Complete the worksheet and answer as many questions as you can. The answers will be put onto the website tomorrow, so that you can self correct any mistakes.

Log into ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and complete the questions which have been set for you. Your login details are in your Home-School Diary.


DT - Help to cook/make a meal with a family member. Take some photos and email them to us, as we would love to see your creations!

Tuesday 24th March


Don't forget to go to the 'Stay Active' page for PE lessons with Joe Wicks. It is a brilliant way to start each day!


Reading – Read a book and when you have finished, record any adjectives and nouns that appear in your book. For an extra challenge, can you identify any verbs.

Writing – Write a response to the question ‘If you could have any fantasy pet, what would it be and why? Remember to include capital letters, full stops, conjunctions (because, but, so, if, when) and descriptive language.

Practise writing out these common exception words and putting them into a sentence. The words are: because, find, kind.

Maths – Complete the worksheet and answer as many questions as you can. The answers will be put onto the website tomorrow, so that you can self correct any mistakes.

Log into ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and complete the questions which have been set for you. Your login details are in your Home-School Diary.

Art - Draw a picture of Windsor Castle or draw your own castle.

Stay safe everyone. x

Monday 23rd March


Reading – Read a book and identify any known common exception words and high frequency words. Complete one of the 3 comprehensions. Choose a comprehension that is suitable for you. At the bottom of each comprehension there are stars, the more stars there are the more challenging the text and questions will be. Once completed, please go through the answers and self correct any mistakes.

Writing – Write a response to the question ‘How did the Pirate get stuck on a deserted island? Remember to include capital letters, full stops, conjunctions (because, but, so, if, when) and descriptive language.

Practise writing out these common exception words and putting them into a sentence. The words are: door, floor, poor.

Maths – Complete the worksheet and answer as many questions as you can. The answers will be put onto the website tomorrow, so that you can self correct any mistakes.

Log into ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and complete the questions which have been set for you. Your login details are in your Home-School Diary.


Complete one household chore, e.g. washing up, making your bed, cleaning your room.

Remember to record your answers in your green Homework book.
Mr Lathia has also put a link on the 'Stay Active' page for Joe Wicks PE sessions.  This is a good way to start each day.