Week 12 (8th - 12th June)
Friday 12th June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch! I'm really looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at 10:30 on our Zoom call. I apologise in advance if it doesn't all go smoothly as I have never run a Zoom call before! Hopefully see you all later! Remember it would be really nice for everyone to share a book with the class - no reading needed and no pressure to say lots, I just really want to hear a little from you all.
Maths: Continuing with capacity. As it's Friday see if you can help to bake something that requires you to measure out some ingredients using the scales. If you don't have the ingredients for today, write down what you need for the next shop - remember to include how much you need.
Extension: There is also a differentiated capacity sheet for working through some challenges.
English: For those who need to work on their prepositions, there is a prepositions worksheet attached.
Alternatively please work on your handwriting - There is a sheet provided, however a good way to work on both your handwriting and spelling is to work on copying a page from a book. Sit down and see if you can copy a page from a book in your best handwriting.
Fine motor:
Cutting exercise. Ladybird sheet provided.
Thursday 11th June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch! Don't forget to get your book ready for our zoom call tomorrow. Remember, everyone is just going to say a little bit about the book they have chosen.
The focus for today is prepositions, so words which tell you where something is, e.g. under, above, beside, on, in etc. Get an adult to position an item - can you say where the item is. Look at the extension sheets for further ideas.
The maths for today is all about the weight of items. There are lots of different activities you can do for this at home. Perhaps try one of these suggestions:
- Cooking - weighing out ingredients.
- Look at the items in the cupboard and order them lightest to heaviest.
- Using weighing scales, weigh different items in your home
There are also extension sheets available.
Fine motor:
Focus today on doing some exercises to strengthen your hands.
This website has some examples:
Wednesday 10th June 2020
I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying your time with your family. I have really enjoyed hearing what you have been up to. Remember, please send me any good pictures, I'd love to see them and share them on here with the rest of Goldfinch.
Today we continue with the theme of capacity in maths. I would like you to compare different measures. Get some items out of the kitchen cupboards and see if you can order them from smallest to largest. Which item had the least amount in? Which item had the most? Were there any items that contained the same amount? Use items such as cans of food, bottles of liquids, cans of drinks - please get an adult's permission first! Draw the items and label how much they contain or how much they weigh.
Task 1: More than/ less than.
Task 2: Labelling capacity.
For English today I would like everyone to work on their sentence structure - using capital letters and full stops. Write about your favourite television programme or film - what do you like about it and why. What is it about, who is in it? etc. Try to use some descriptive language. You may also like to draw a picture to go with your writing.
Alternatively, there is a sentence structure sheet -Writing Super Sentences. The sheets are differentiated so pick one that challenges you.
Please remember that you can work on your spellings and phonics using Nessy. Everyone has a log-in, so if you need a reminder of it, just send me an email. janthony@manor.reading.sch.uk One person from Goldfinch this week has done a very impressive 51 minutes! Keep it up!
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Good morning! I have now sent out the invitations for our zoom call this Friday at 10:30am. Please don't worry if you are unable to join us, however it would be lovely to see as many of you as possible for a little catch up. Can you all have a book to share with the class. I'd love everyone just to have something to share about the book - there wont be any need to read it! If you haven't received your invite then please just get in touch: janthony@manor.reading.sch.uk
Today's work:
Please choose a book to share with the class. It could be your favourite book, one you have recently read, a funny one etc. Write a few sentences about why you have picked this book. On Friday during our meeting I would like you to tell us all a little about your book. Write down what you might want to say and practice saying it out load. Is there a good picture from it that you could share? Make sure you read it again, so you can remember what it is about in case someone asks you any questions. Even if you can't join the meeting, send me a photo of you with your favourite book!
The focus for today is capacity. I would like you all to have a look in your kitchen and see if you have any measuring jugs. Have a look at how to read the scale it has on it. Are there any other items in your kitchen that tell you how much something contains? Use the jug to fill with water to different levels. How much water can a cup hold? The activity sheets provided can also be used as an extension.
Task 1 - Questions to consider when filling items.
Task 2 - How much does it hold - comparing capacity.
Task 3 - Reading scales - Colour in the amount below each jug.
Monday 8th June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch. I hope that you have all had a wonderful weekend. This week is bike week, so if you are able to exercise outside your home, how about doing a cycle this week. Alternatively, you can improve your core strength by air cycling from the comfort of your home (see below). I'd really love to see your pictures!
Great to see Ollie happy at home!
Today's work:
English - Monster description task. A long writing task, aimed to work on your descriptive language. The sheet attached has a picture of a monster and some adjectives you can use. Alternatively, draw your own monster and write some words, or sentences to describe it.
Maths - Task 1 and Task 2, are both focused on problem solving. Break the codes and solve the calculations. Pick the one that challenges you. Alternatively, come up with your own code and make your own problems for others to solve.
Exercise - This week is Bike week. If possible, try to do some cycling this week. There is a printable activity pack which you can download for fun, and also a certificate that can be printed at the end of the week to show that you took part in bike week. If you can't get out on a bike, try some indoor cycling exercises. Air cycling is brilliant to help to strengthen your core muscles, lay on your back and cycle your legs in the air. Remember to warm up at the beginning. Have fun and help to improve your strength.