Pupil Premium
Pupil premium is additional funding passed to schools from the government, it was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated in order for schools to support their disadvantaged children and close the attainment gap between them and their peers.
Pupil premium is calculated in 3 ways, the bulk of funding is derived from the Ever 6 element that relates to any pupil that is currently or has been registered for free school meals in the previous 6 years. The other streams of funding relate to any pupil that has been adopted from care, or looked after in care, with the final element for any pupil that has one or more parent who is serving or has served in the armed forces for the previous 3 years or this year (Ever 4).
Rates of funding:
Ever 6 formula: £1455
Looked after pupils: £2530
Service pupils:£335
The Headteacher and school leaders are held accountable for decisions made for the use of pupil premium funding, at Manor Primary some or all of the pupil premium funding was allocated to individual programmes for eligible pupils in order to improve the outcomes for these pupils