Week 8 (11th - 15th May)
Around the world menu
For the Birds
Friday 15th May
Around the world menu
Thursday 14th May
Wednesday 13th May
Tuesday 12th May - Happy Birthday Miss Thompson
Answers from Monday 11th May
PSHE work
Monday 11th May
Answers from Thursday 7th May
Hello everyone! We hope that you've all had a lovely weekend and that you're all doing well. We are going into week 8 of home learning, which would have been SATs week if we were in school! Remember that if you need any help or if you want to send us any work, then you can still send us emails. We hope to speak to you soon
Miss Thompson: rthompson@manor.reading.sch.uk
Mr Lathia: slathia@manor.reading.sch.uk