Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Thursday 21st January

Morning Eagle Class,


It was good to see you so many of you again on zoom yesterday and I hope that what we went through in maths helped. Please send me any questions you have before the next call. Today you will write and present your brilliant instructions for crossing the road - I hope I will be able to share some great writing with the other teachers. Tomorrow, we will make a poster so save your drawing skills until then!


I can see that about 3 of you have accepted to be in our class on Google classrooms, please try to sign in and accept your invitation today.


Have a great day.


Mrs Molley

Phonics - Everyone can listen to chapter 4 of the Hodgeheg and Group E please complete the activity

The Hodgeheg - Chapter 4

Still image for this video

Writing - Writing your detailed instructions to cross the road safely

Still image for this video

Maths Blue Group - Subtraction counting back (crossing 10)

More practice subtracting today counting back along a number track and number line. Remember to only count your steps not the number you begin on. This time you will be counting back past the number 10.

Maths Green Group - Add two 2-digit numbers - crossing 10

More adding of two 2-digit numbers today but this time they will cross the tens. You will be doing some exchanging today - remember doing that in class using the base 10? Remember 10 ones can be exchanged for 1 ten.

When you are doing the questions you may want an extra piece of paper to draw your base10 on mine are a bit squashed and I ran out of room on the answer sheet. Remember to exchange 10 ones for 1 ten by drawing around them - count carefully!
