Week 14 (22nd - 26th June)
Friday 26th June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch. I'm hoping to see you all at 10:30 today for our Zoom call. Remember, if there is something you'd like to share with the group, then please have this ready. You don't have to though, as it would be just as nice to see your lovely faces!
Phonics/ Spellings: use the link below to play some phonics games. They are differentiated, so find one that works best for you. I really like 'make a match' and 'giggling graphemes'
Thursday 25th June 2020
Good morning Goldfinch! I hope that you are all keeping cool and getting to enjoy the sunshine. Tomorrow in our Zoom call I think it would be nice for everyone to say hello to each other. If there is anything that you want to share, then please have it ready- if you don't then that's fine too, just to see your lovely faces would be nice.
I know that today and tomorrow are due to be very hot, so I have included some activities that might help during this weather. Lots of the activities are very science based, but they also involve maths with measuring, English with following instructions and recording and lots of opportunities to extend language through discussions. I hope you find one you can try at home!
Floating and Sinking - Get a large container of water and experiment to see what floats and what sinks. What do you notice about the items that float? Are there any which sink faster than others? Take a picture, draw or write what you have found. Before putting the item into water make a prediction - What do you think will happen? Make sure you check which items you are allowed to put into water.
Floating and Sinking
Science - Melting ice experiment
Make your own ice lollies
Water painting: Get some water and a brush and work on your letter and number formation.
Water Painting - letters, numbers and words
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Hello Goldfinch, I hope that you are all well. The sun is shining, so I've included some sun safety work for the rest of the week.
Create a 'Sun Safety' poster. I have attached some information below which might help, there is a Powerpoint and some posters you could look through. Create a poster reminding your family how to stay safe in the sun. Include information about what to wear (hat, sun glasses, sun cream), what to drink (lots of water) and how to keep cool (keep shaded etc).
Sun Safety
As part of the sun safety theme I have also attached some other resources which you may like to use.
Have a look at the coins you have in your house. Using the coins make different amounts. E.g. How can you make 57p? = 50p + 5p + 2p. Make your own shop at home, with prices on for people to buy things. I have also attached some sheets below which you could use if you prefer.
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Good morning! Have a great day everyone!
Fine motor work:
Choose one of the art activities below:
Task 1: Under the water subtraction to 10.
Task 2: 3-digit column addition (with regrouping)
Design your own planet writing task.
Monday 22nd June 2020
Week 14. I just want to begin the week by saying to you all, that you're all doing so amazingly. I know that the past 14 weeks have been a challenge for every family, but I know that each and every one of you are working so hard to keep your children happy, while also trying to continue with some of their learning. Remember, when they are back at school we will work hard to ensure that they catch up on anything they may have missed. During your time together treasure the time and make memories together. Keep safe together! Your time together is precious bonding time and special family time!
None of the work set is compulsory, do as little or as much as you need to do. Share a book together, talk to each other and keep them relaxed during this unusual time.
I hope that you are all safe and well! Please remember you can always email me with any questions: janthony@manor.reading.sch.uk
Adding apostrophes to words (Sheet attached)
Monday Movie: Watch a movie together - then either call someone on the phone and tell them what the movie was about or tell a family member about it who perhaps didn't get to see it. You could even draw a picture from it, get your parents to send it to me and I'll see if I can guess the movie!
Task 1: Dinosaur themed subtraction (Numbers to 5)
Task 2: Subtraction Number Bonds (Differentiated)
Task 3: 2-digit Column Subtraction (No exchanging)
Task 4: Subtracting 3-digit numbers (With exchanging)