Spring 2022
Nursery Newsletter
Mother's Day Cards

The children made Mother’s Day cards today ready for Sunday. They made a choice from 2 designs and then constructed it using a variety of collage materials and media. The children then wrote their inserts for the card, using their Ruth Miskin rhymes to help them with their formation.
Minibeast Art

The children created their own minibeast art today. They chose their favourite minibeast and then used a variety of collage materials and paint to make their own versions. They spent time cutting, sticking and manipulating materials to create their desired effect.
Minibeast Discussions


Today the children discussed their favourite minibeasts. They spent time naming them and then talking about the different features of the minibeast and why they like them.

Today the children focused on the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ for Science Week. They spent time discussing how plants grow and the process we use to plant seeds. They then had a go at planting their own runner beans in pots, following the instructions.

The children are focusing on the topic ‘Growth’ this week for Science Week. They spent time measuring themselves using string and then went around the classroom and outside to find other things that measured the same as them. They recorded their results with support.
Flower Painting

After their nature walk last week to find flowers, the children spent time selecting their favourite flower and then painting it. They selected the colours they wanted for their flowers and used green for the stem and leaves. They spent time naming the parts of the flower as they painted them.
Escaped Animal Poster

The children continued their exploration of jungle animals today and created a wanted poster for their favourite jungle animals. They drew their animal using the appropriate shapes and colours and then had a go at labelling it and writing a description. They used Ruth Miskin rhymes to help with formation and ensured they used the appropriate tripod grip.
Flower Walk

Today the children went on a walk around the local area. They were set the task of finding a variety of spring flowers such as bluebells, crocus, daffodils, cow parsley and forget me nots. They enjoyed looking for the different flowers and being the first to find them.
Old Macdonald had a Jungle 2

Old Macdonald had a Jungle

The children have been using the song 'Old Macdonald had a Farm' as a basis to create their own remix. They worked in groups to create their own version using jungle animals. They children had great fun creating these songs and performing them!
Name Writing

The children continued practising writing their name today. They independently copied their name and used Ruth Miskin rhymes to help them with their formation. They also use the appropriate tripod grip to ensure they held their pencil. The children then chose a jungle animal to dress up as and attached this to their name writing.
Waterstones Trip

Today the children went on their school trip to Waterstones in town to spend their book tokens. We caught the bus to town, walked to Waterstones and the children chose their books. We then paid for the books using the tokens and caught the bus back to Nursery. The children had a great time and enjoyed reading their books! They also chose some new books for Nursery!
Pancake day

Pancake Day

The children enjoyed some time today celebrating pancake day. In the morning session children participated in traditional pancake race. They dressed up and completed a relay in teams whilst carrying a pancake in a pan. In the afternoon session the children tried a piece of pancake with chocolate and another with syrup. It was safe to say they preferred the chocolate!
2D Shape Owls

Today the children continued their exploration of the book ‘Owl Babies’ and discussed the different 2D shapes that make an owl. They then drew around these shapes to make their own owl and coloured it, whilst naming and listing the shapes that they used.
Mummy Owl stories

Today the children continued their book week exploration of the story ‘Owl Babies’ by creating their own story. The children focused on the Mummy Owl and when she flies off, and using this stimulus they then created their own story of what she does. The children dictated their story and an adult scribed it for them. The children then drew an illustration of what the Mummy Owl gets up to.
Owl Collage

The children continued their exploration of ‘Owl Babies’ this week by making their own collage owls. They were given a template which they then selected appropriate materials to fill in to make their own owl babies. Great work Nursery!
Night and Day

The children continued their exploration of the book ‘Owl Babies’ and discussed the different times of day. They then talked about what we do in those times and why we do different things at different times of day. In groups the children then sorted activities onto their night and day map.
Owl Babies Sequencing

Today the children began their book week exploration of the story ‘Owl Babies’. They began by reading the story and then acting it out. After completing this they then sequenced the events of the story in small groups.
Composition of 1, 2 and 3

Today the children continued their exploration of the numbers 1, 2 and 3. They began by revising their number knowledge and counting using 1:1 counting. They then moved on to identifying the different smaller numbers that can be used to make up 1, 2 and 3 and completed this using numicon.
Vet Equipment List

Today the children continued their topic of ‘People Who Help Us’ and learnt about the role of a vet. They spent time thinking about the different equipment a vet would have in their bag and what they would use it for, They then wrote an equipment list for a vet using the Ruth Miskin rhymes to help with formation.
Perfect Pet Creation

The children have been learning about vets this week and the different animals that they look after. The children then made their own perfect pet using different parts of different animals. They spent time selecting the appropriate part, drawing it and naming their creature.
Police Visit


This term the children have been learning about the topic ‘People who help us’. This week they have focused on police and even had a visit from some PCSO’s. They learnt about the job they do and how they help people, the different type of police officers and the equipment they use. They also had a chance to go in the van, sit in the driver seat and the cage in the back and then finally to hear the siren!
Pre Writing

The children have been working on their pencil control this week and completed their pre writing movements of curved lines, dots, circles and loops. They then tried to form the letters for their name using the Ruth Miskin rhymes to help them.
One more one less

The children have been working hard on their numbers 1, 2 and 3 this term. They have compared them, recognised them and constructed them and have now moved onto recognising one more and one less using Numicon. Great work Nursery!