Autumn 2020
Eagle Class have had lots of fun designing and making moving monsters this week using levers and pivots
Testing our sense of taste in science - apologies for some blurry photos but you get the idea!
Commemorating Remembrance Day 2020 with poppy art
Helping your child with multiplication tables and the 99 club
Celebrating the countries of the UK
Eagle Class had great fun on the last day of term learning more about the countries of the UK. They learned about the key features of the countries including capital cities and flags. Everyone had a go at making Welsh Rarebit and learning the story behind this recipe. We had a virtual tour around London and made some mini books about some of the main attractions. We looked at the different shapes in the flags and decorated some biscuits as the English and Scottish flags. During the day we heard the story of St George and the Dragon and the tale of the Welsh dragons. Finally, the class got messy as we made collages of the Loch Ness monster using leaves the children had collected earlier in the week. Well done for tidying up so well too Eagle Class!
Making Welsh Rarebit - ask us why it is called that!
Making collage pictures of the Loch Ness Monster and decorating biscuits as the English and Scottish flags
Information about phonics and reading in year 2
Ask us about our science investigation - do taller people have bigger feet?
We worked as a class to create sea art while listening to music by Debussy