Week 2
Friday 3rd April
Morning year 2, It's Friday!! The last day of learning before the Easter holiday. Well done for all the amazing work you have completed over the past 2 weeks. We are extremely proud of you and your families for working so hard. As the next 2 weeks are the Easter holidays we will be providing a grid of activities that you could do in this time. These are entirely optional but will be there if you would like to use them!
Don't forget to stay in touch!
Reading – Read a book and identify any known common exception words and high frequency words. Complete one of the 3 comprehensions. Choose a comprehension that is suitable for you. At the bottom of each comprehension there are stars, the more stars there are the more challenging the text and questions will be. Once completed, please go through the answers and self correct any mistakes.
Writing – Write a description about the animals at the zoo. For a challenge, can you think of an animal for each letter of the alphabet? Write a list of the animals. ‘’Remember to include capital letters, full stops, conjunctions (because, but, so, if, when) and descriptive language.
Practise writing out these common exception words and putting them into a sentence. The words are: fast, last, past
Maths – Complete the worksheet and answer as many questions as you can. The answers will be put onto the website tomorrow, so that you can self correct any mistakes.
Log into ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and complete the questions which have been set for you. Your login details are in your Home-School Diary.
Draw an Easter picture or create an Easter card.
NHS Pictures
NHS Help
🌈 Calling all Little Artists at Manor Primary School 👩🎨👨🎨
If your child had to make a picture to put up in the Royal Berkshire Hospital to brighten the spirits of everyone there at the moment, what would they do? Would they draw? Would they paint? Would they use felt tips? The possibilities are endless!
We want the children to create their own picture that they want to send into the Royal Berkshire Hospital during these difficult times to lift spirits and brighten the place up.
We know that at Manor we have many young artists so this is their chance to shine and show off their talent. Take a photo of your child’s picture and email it to your child’s class teacher. You can find each class teacher’s email on our school website.
We look forward to seeing your amazing art work, you can draw, you can paint, you can use gel pens, whatever you want but just remember to be creative and have fun! Entries need to be in by Friday 10th April. Good luck🌈
Thursday 2nd April
Morning year 2,
Not long to go now until the Easter holidays! You are all doing a great job and working hard. Don't forget to share photos of your home learning with us.
Reading – Read a book and identify any known common exception words and high frequency words. When you have finished, write what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.
Writing – Write a setting description about the pirates. For a challenge, you could design and draw your own pirate outfit and ship. Remember to include capital letters, full stops, conjunctions (because, but, so, if, when) and descriptive language.
Practise writing out these common exception words and putting them into a sentence. The words are: pretty, beautiful, after
Maths – Complete the worksheet and answer as many questions as you can. The answers will be put onto the website tomorrow, so that you can self correct any mistakes.
Log into ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and complete the questions which have been set for you. Your login details are in your Home-School Diary.
Play a board game or complete a jigsaw with your family.
Wednesday 1st April
Morning year 2 and welcome to the middle of the week and the first day of a new month! Thank you all so much for the amazing pictures of your robots! Hope you all had fun creating them. You will see the pictures we received below. Great work!! Don't forget to stay active and start your day with some PE with Joe Wicks at 9 am. Its great fun, we've all been doing it.
Keep in touch!
We have attached some links to websites that have stories you can listen to and some different stories you can read.
Reading – Read a book and identify any known common exception words and high frequency words. Complete one of the 3 comprehensions. Choose a comprehension that is suitable for you. At the bottom of each comprehension there are stars, the more stars there are the more challenging the text and questions will be. Once completed, please go through the answers and self correct any mistakes.
Writing – Write a description about the scary scene. Use the keywords to help you. For a challenge, you could draw your own scary house/castle and describe it. Remember to include capital letters, full stops, conjunctions (because, but, so, if, when) and descriptive language.
Practise writing out these common exception words and putting them into a sentence. The words are: great, steak, break
Maths – Complete the worksheet and answer as many questions as you can. The answers will be put onto the website tomorrow, so that you can self correct any mistakes.
Log into ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and complete the questions which have been set for you. Your login details are in your Home-School Diary.
PE-Create a dance routine to your favourite song!
Robot photos
Home Learning Activities
Tuesday 31st March
Morning year 2! Have a great day today. We will really look forward to seeing pictures of your robots made from recyclable materials!!
We have also added some websites for fun maths games you might like to have a go at!!
Enjoy and stay safe!
Maths online games
Reading – Read a book and identify any known common exception words and high frequency words. When you have finished, draw a picture of the main character from your book and write four important things about that character.
Writing – Write a setting description about the garden scene. If you would like to, there is a challenge! Could you design, draw and label your own treehouse? Email us your pictures and we will share them. Remember to include capital letters, full stops, conjunctions (because, but, so, if, when) and descriptive language.
Practise writing out these common exception words and putting them into a sentence. The words are: hold, told, every.
Maths – Complete the worksheet and answer as many questions as you can. The answers will be put onto the website tomorrow, so that you can self correct any mistakes.
Log into ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and complete the questions which have been set for you. Your login details are in your Home-School Diary.
Design and Technology - Make a robot out of recyclable materials. Take a photo of your robot and email it to us!
Monday 30th March
Good morning Dove and Eagle class,
Welcome to week 2! Hope you all had a good weekend. We were very impressed with all the great learning you did last week. It was fantastic to see all your lovely photos so remember to keep sending them to us.
Don't forget to start each day with some exercise. Joe Wicks starts his live PE stream at 9am.
Remember to keep in touch!
Reading – Read a book and identify any known common exception words and high frequency words. Complete one of the 3 comprehensions. Choose a comprehension that is suitable for you. At the bottom of each comprehension there are stars, the more stars there are the more challenging the text and questions will be. Once completed, please go through the answers and self correct any mistakes.
Writing – Write a setting description about the picture. If you want to, you could write a short story about the polar bear. Remember to include capital letters, full stops, conjunctions (because, but, so, if, when) and descriptive language.
Practise writing out these common exception words and putting them into a sentence. The words are: old, cold, gold
Maths – Complete the worksheet and answer as many questions as you can. The answers will be put onto the website tomorrow, so that you can self correct any mistakes.
Log into ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ and complete the questions which have been set for you. Your login details are in your Home-School Diary.
Science- Remember what we’ve learnt about push and pull forces. See how many different examples you can find around your home.