Above are the homework grids and the name writing practice that we will be sending home with your children. Please make sure you complete at least one piece of homework this term.
Shape Monsters
The children began the term by looking at a variety of 2D shapes and naming them. We then decided to make shape monsters. The children drew around their favourite 2D shape, cut it out and then decorated it before adding arms and legs. They did a fabulous job!
Musical Instruments
With the children focusing on science this term they began their science exploration by looking at sound. The children explored how they can change sound and the impact sound can have on different things. The children then used recycling to make their own musical instruments and enjoyed making different sounds using them.
This term in PE the children have been challenging their fears and have been using the wall bars to climb. They worked extremely hard to develop their technique and master the skills of climbing up, though and down.
Name Writing
The children have been practising writing their name in preparation for 'big'' school. They concentrated well and really focused on their pencil grip and control which allowed them to produce fabulous writing. Well done!
This week in our Science exploration the children focused on our senses. To hook them in to this topic and to help them understand what senses are we gave them some food. The children had a variety of spices to smell and sauces to taste. We wanted the children to focus o their senses and how some things may look the same but they don't always smell or taste that way. They tried soy sauce and lea & perrins, runny honey and cloudy honey and marmite & chocolate spread. All of the children tried each item whiich we were very proud of and then we took it to Mrs Swain for her to have a go. The children thought this was great fun!
Teddy Bears Party
The naughty teddies decided to have a party last night and used our numbered party hats. However, they got so tired they had to sit down and jumbled themselves up. So the children's task was to sort the bears back in to the correct order. This involved them identifying the correct numeral as well as ordering which they found tricky but managed really well.
The Lookout Discovery Centre
Our first school trip of the year took us to the Lookout Discovery Centre. The children were able to explore the centre with a hands on approach and had a fabulous time. They enjoyed learning how different things work and asking lots of questions. They sat and ate lunch together which they had made in Nursery the day before and then had a short play in the adventure playground. Everyone was very tired by the end of the day!
Goldilocks Counting
The children have been working on counting to 3 this week. They used the story of Golidlocks to help them and helped to set the house up to replicate this.
Continuing with their science focus the children moved on to electricity this week. They began with building circuits. They were given 2 wires, a battery and a bulb and they had to complete the circuit. They worked really hard to solve this puzzle and were extremely pleased when the bulb lit.
Family Fridays
To celebrate the Autumn the children invited their parents to come in and help the to carve pumpkins. They had a great time doing this and came up with some fabulous designs working together in teams. The children then got to plant their own pumpkin seeds so hopefully they have their own pumpkin to carve next year.
Leaf Printing
For Welly Wednesdays this week the children gathered some leaves and made their own leaf mural. They painted them and printed them to create a class mural which looks great.
With the festival of lights being celebrated on Sunday 27th October, we decided in Nursery to have our own festivities. We set up a variety of Diwali inspired activities for the children to do before covering the ceiling in fairy lights and playing Diwali inspired music. The children had a fabulous time making a class rangoli pattern, diva lamps and having mendhi patterns painted on their hands and face. They then had a picnic lunch before having a slice of cake with a sparkler candle to represent fireworks.
Bonfire Night
Today the children began their exploration of bonfire night in pre-writing. They focused on their pencil control to create fireworks and then began to decorate it with the appropriate colours.
Shape Rockets
The children continued with their exploration of bonfire night by creating their own rockets. They used a variety of 2D shapes to build their rockets and talked about the different colours their rockets would make.
Welly Wednesdays
Our favourite story in Nursery is 'Stickman'. For our Welly Wednesday session today the children made their own version of Stickman. They found their stick and drew eyes and a smile on it. They then told stories using it which the children absolutely loved.
Coke & Mentos
The children have been focusing on chemical reactions this week and began this with their coke & mentos experiment. The children added mentos to the coke and watched it react and spout out. The children loved seeing it explode everywhere.
Balloon, Vinegar & Bicarbonate of Soda
The children continued their exploration of chemical reactions with the balloon experiment. They filled a bottle with vinegar and put bicarbonate of soda in a balloon. They put the balloon on top of the bottle and tipped it in before watching the balloon blow up. The children were amazed that the reaction of the two made the balloon blow up.
Remembrance Poppies
We have been looking at Remembrance Day and it's significance. The children then assembled their own poppies and put them all together in a wreath to commemorate a significant day.
Air Pressure
Our science focus this week has been Air Pressure with the children. They played the malteaser game with straws, made a ping pong ball fly with a hairdryer and then made a balloon rocket. They were amazed at how the balloon took off and at the ping pong ball flying, making some great predictions and having some great ideas during discussions.
This week the children have been looking at the numbers 1,2,3 and 4. They have focused on counting up to 4 items in a line and in different patterns. They have also been working on recognising and writing numerals and have been very determined with their learning.We are very proud of their hard work!
Pear Crumble
To finish our very busy week off the children made a pear crumble using the fruit leftover from the week. They cut up the pears, mixed the ingredients for the crumble and then got to do the best bit- EAT it!!! They really enjoyed trying cooked pears and all the children tried it even if they didn't like it which was great. Well done!
Fruit & Veg Printing
The children used a variety of fruit and vegetables today to create some art work. Using mushrooms, broccoli, garlic, lemons, oranges and peppers they used colours and patterns independently to create their masterpieces. They were extremely proud of what they had achieved and have brightened up the Nursery.
Continuing with their science work the children have been looking at floating and sinking. After conducting a floating & sinking experiment using everyday objects in water, they then moved on to doing this in water. They predicted what they thought would float or sink and then tested their predictions.
Christmas has landed in Nursery along with our class elf Flash. The children were very excited to see what Flash had left them and especially enjoyed his sparkly footprints that he left behind.
Letters to Santa
The children spent today writing their letters to Santa. They wrote their letter, drew some pictures and put it in an envelope. We then set off to the local post office to buy the stamps, attached them to the front of the envelope and then put them in the postbox “which takes them straight to the North Pole” according to Nursery. The children really enjoyed this activity and being responsible for delivering their own letter.
Christmas Crafts & Family Fridays
The children enjoyed getting ready for Christmas with their Christmas crafts. They made calendars to hang on their fridge, a Christmas wreath, Christmas cards (with the help of their parents) and Christmas decorations. They even found time to make Christmas wreath cakes.
Christmas Production
The children enjoyed performing their dance as part of the EY & KS1 Nativity performance. They worked really hard to learn the routine and performed this in front of their parents and peers on stage. Great work Nursery!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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