Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Week 6

Friday 1st May


Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. The workout will last 30 minutes and will inspire and energise you to get active, bounce around and have fun! Click here to join in!


Literacy- Practising letter names- using your alphabet mat or the one pictured below, sing the alphabet song and point to each letter in turn as you sing. Can you find and name all the letters in your name? Have a family member say random letter names and you find the right letter on your mat. Remember letter sounds are different to letter names!


Maths- Copy the following number tracks in your workbooks but try to fill in the missing numbers!


Understanding the World- Hopefully you managed to get hold of some Skittles sweets- if you haven't, don't worry! You can still watch the video but carry out the experiment another time smiley

Click here to watch Ryan from Ryan's World doing the Skittles experiment (you can watch as much or as little as you like!). Can you carry out your own version? How are you going to arrange the skittles?

You may have to be patient as you wait for the results! Perhaps you could set a timer to see how long the experiment takes to finish. Describe what is happening? Why do you think this is?


PSED- Think about what you have done this week. Describe two things that you have done and say one thing that you are thankful for. This week Miss Fryer-Saxby made playdough models with her little girl and iced some biscuits. She is thankful for family, friends and all the lovely people she works with at Manor. 


Well done for all your hard work this week smiley

Thursday 30th April


Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. The workout will last 30 minutes and will inspire and energise you to get active, bounce around and have fun! Click here to join in!


Literacy- Think back to the story of Dear Zoo from yesterday. Write out and complete the following verse in your books...


I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet.

So they sent me a ____________.

They were too ____________,

So I sent them back!


Maths- Look at the sheet below showing number bonds to ten. Complete the number sentences by writing down the number of white cubes and the number of shaded cubes and adding the two together. Your answers should always add up to 10.

PSED- Help your family prepare lunch or dinner. Have a chat over dinner about what you have enjoyed doing this week.


Physical Development- Practice your animal poses and click here to join in with some safari animal yoga!

Wednesday 29th April


Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. The workout will last 30 minutes and will inspire and energise you to get active, bounce around and have fun! Click here to join in!


Literacy- Click here to listen to the story of Dear Zoo. Can you write a list of all the animals that got sent from the zoo? Try and listen for each of the sounds in the words. You can either choose to write a numbered list or a bullet point list like we have done in school.


Maths- Write down how many of each animal you can find in the picture below and then write out and complete the following number sentences. 

Flamingo + crocodile = ?

Zebra + tiger = ?

Giraffe + bear = ?


Expressive Arts- Draw or paint your favourite zoo animal and label it. 


Understanding the World- Research about your favourite zoo animal and learn two facts about it that you can share with your family. 

Tuesday 28th April


Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. The workout will last 30 minutes and will inspire and energise you to get active, bounce around and have fun! Click here to join in!


Literacy- Click here to listen to the story of Ten Little Pirates. When the story has finished, can you describe what events happened to the pirates? Who did they meet? What happened along the way?


Maths- Today we are still focusing on subtraction. Complete the questions below, again you can use your fingers or objects to help you work out the answer. 



Expressive Arts- Thinking back to the story of Ten Little Pirates, design your own pirate treasure map! You can be as creative as you like!


PSED- Help with one or two jobs around the house. Maybe your bedroom needs a tidy or the lounge needs dusting!


Later this week... On Friday we will be doing an experiment that uses Skittles sweets. If you are able to, please purchase a bag in preparation. If you are unable to purchase a bag before Friday you can always complete the activity when you are able to :-) Many thanks. 

Monday 27th April


Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. The workout will last 30 minutes and will inspire and energise you to get active, bounce around and have fun! Click here to join in!


Literacy- Miss Fryer-Saxby's friends have written a book about what's currently going on in the world. Click on the link below and share the book with your family. Then have a discussion about how the Coronavirus has affected the world. E.g. what have we been told not to do? Can we go to school? Can grown-ups go to work or go and visit friends?


Maths- Complete the following subtraction sentences in your books. Subtraction means take away so the number or group of objects will get smaller. You can use your fingers to help you work out the answer or even objects like pasta pieces or Lego.


PSED- Think about some of the rules we have at school and discuss them with your family, e.g. listening to the teacher; lining up; tidying up. Now talk about some of the rules you have at home and why. 


Expressive Arts- Create a picture of something of your choice! It could be a flower, a dinosaur or even a jungle scene. Use whatever materials you want to use whether it's paint, crayons, tissue paper- you could even use a mixture of materials!


Dance- Practice your funky dance moves and click here to join in with the GoNoodle crew!



