Our Curriculum
Our Curriculum
At Manor Primary School we follow the statutory EYFS and National Curriculum as well as our own school curriculum which addresses the needs of our pupils and community. This curriculum is designed to be accessible to all pupils.
We have whole school drivers which underpin everything we do; they are at the core of our curriculum making it unique, purposeful and relevant. These are discussed at every planning meeting to ensure they reverberate in pupils’ learning.
Currently our curriculum drivers are: Health, Oracy and Enrichment.
We believe that knowledge is 'sticky' and that pupils need to be taught in a way that they remember what they have learned. Knowledge is empowering and provides a strong foundation for success; the more pupils know, the more they can learn.
All teaching staff are being trained in Tom Sherrington's WalkThrus with a particular focus on 'Questioning and Feedback' and 'Practice and Retrieval'. We have two 'Voice 21' Oracy Champions in school who will be rolling out their training to staff from September 2022. Our Maths lead is working with the local hub on the 'Mobius Maths' Mastery project.
We have ensured that our curriculum is well sequenced and that key knowledge and skills are returned to frequently and regularly. Staff have a strong awareness of what children need to know by the end of each Key Stage and strive to ensure that they not only meet these milestones but can take these knowledge and skills into the next phase of their education. Due to our admission number of 45, in many subjects we follow a 2-year cycle to ensure coverage for all pupils.
All subjects are valued and given ample curriculum time; as much as we want our pupils to be successful in the core subjects, we also want to nurture confident individuals who are the artists, sportspeople and humanitarians of the future.
All aspects of our curriculum are accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those with disabilities, those who are more able, those with special gifts and talents and the children who are learning English as an additional language. We provide a rich, challenging curriculum, which stretches all of our children. Staff are aware of children who have exceptional talents and gifts and monitor or track their progress carefully to ensure their academic potential or talent is continually developed.
In each subject folder below you will find the 2-year cycle showing the coverage, a progression document and a subject statement showing the Vision, Intent and Implementation at Manor Primary
For further information about what your child is learning, please speak with their class teacher.