13th January 2021
Good Morning Dove class,
I hope that you are all well this morning and eagerly awaiting our daily zoom. We're going to do a mini quiz today so get your thinking caps on!
Joe Wicks is doing PE with Joe again today....we've been doing his workouts every day in my house, so have a go. They will help to give you lots of energy for your learning.
I hope that you are all working hard with the skipping challenge.... lets try and get more skips that Eagle. Remember...how many skips can you do in a minute. Add up your best score from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, add them together and send them to me!
See you all soon,
Mrs Haines
PE with Joe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Early Morning Tast
English- Phonics, Reading and Writing
Please refer to the phonic groups list below to support you with finding the correct learning for your child. There is a read, hold and write a sentence for each group where appropriate. If you have any questions, please email me.
For Reading, please go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and follow the use the log in and username sent to you via email. Go to the Read Write Inc library and select the correct colour book. This should of been on the email too but please email if you have any questions.