Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Wednesday 20th January

Morning Everyone,


Hopefully in the last couple of days you will have collected your exercise book and maths workbook from school and also received an email from me about Google Classrooms. If you could try logging in during the next couple of days and on Friday I will share my screen to show you what it looks like - I am learning too so we will work it out together!


Have a think before the zoom call today if you have any questions about the learning you have been doing this week and we can go over them.


Look forward to seeing you later.


Mrs Molley

Phonics - Group E, before you listen to chapter 3 of the Hodgeheg write a prediction about what you think will happen next. I predict that ....... because ......then listen to the story and complete the rest of the activity.

The Hodgeheg - Chapter 3

Still image for this video

Writing - using adverbs in instructions

Still image for this video

Maths Blue Group - Subtraction counting back

Practising subtraction by counting back on number tracks and number lines.

Maths Green Group - Add two 2-digit numbers - not crossing 10

Back to addition today and starting to add two 2 digit numbers - your answers are going to be a bit bigger!
If you have any objects you can use for base 10 they will be useful in today's lesson or you can draw base 10 to help you. You also need to remember which digit represents the ones and which represents the tens.
There are quite a few questions to complete today so instead of a challenge practice playing the game, let me know your scores!
