Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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1st - 5th February

Hello! We hope you have had a relaxing weekend. 

Please find below the home learning for this week. Zooms remain on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 9am for Blackbird class and 11.30am for Chaffinch class. If you require the log in details again please email us. 


As well as reading your favourite family stories at home, please remember you can access some fantastic eBooks from the Oxford Owl website to help your child continue to develop their reading skills and love of reading at home. The eBooks are free to use, but you will need to login first. 


We love to hear how you are all getting on so please keep in touch! Keep up with the hard work, you are all doing great! Have a good week! smiley


Mrs Pitt-

Mrs Belcher-

Miss Fryer-Saxby-

Home Learning

Friday 5th February





Group A

Group B
Group C

Group D

Please complete Ditty Sheet 15: Pens.

Group E

PSED- Circle Time


Read the following book called Stuck Inside. This book was written by two friends of Miss Fryer-Saxby who wanted to find a way to explain the Coronavirus to their young family. 

Have a discussion with your family about what is currently going on in the world around us. What are you having to do differently at the moment? Is there anything that you miss doing? What are you looking forward to doing when things slowly start returning to normal?

Children's Mental Health Week


Please choose an activity from the grid below. For more information on Children's Mental Health Week you can click here

National Storytelling Week


Share the story of The Gingerbread Man. Who were the main characters? How many characters were

chasing the gingerbread man? Can you retell the story to your family? Maybe you could try making your own gingerbread men one day. 



Finish the week by dancing along to the Kidzbop Kids!

Dance Along- The Yeti



Thursday 4th February





Group A

Group B
Group C

Group D

Please complete Ditty Sheet 14: I can.

Group E

Expressive Arts & Design


Using the pictures below as examples, have a go at making your own dinosaur skeleton using cotton buds. If you haven't got access to cotton buds you could use straws or something similar. 

Children's Mental Health Week


Please choose an activity from the grid below. For more information on Children's Mental Health Week you can click here

National Storytelling Week


Listen to Andy share the story of Oddsockosaurus!


CBeebies Bedtime Story- Oddsockosaurus


If you created your own dinosaur, what would your dinosaur be called? What would it do? What would it look like? Describe your dinosaur to your family!




Join in with the Kidz Bop Kids Dance Along!


Dance Along- Cheerleader 



Wednesday 3rd February





Group A

Group B
Group C

Group D

Please complete Ditty Sheet 13: Pets.

Group E



As it is National Storytelling Week, join in with We're Going on a Bear Hunt yoga!


Then if you feel like it, join in with the Kidz Bop Kids Dance Along!


Dance Along- Can't Stop the Feeling 



Children's Mental Health Week


Please choose an activity from the grid below. For more information on Children's Mental Health Week you can click here

National Storytelling Week


Join in with author Michael Rosen as he acts out the story We're Going on a Bear Hunt. What settings did the family go through in order to find the bear? Imagine you were going on an animal hunt. What animal would you search for? What would you have to go through to find it? 


Miss Fryer-Saxby would travel through a lake of sparkly glitter to find a rainbow unicorn!

Mrs Pitt would travel through lots of seaweed slime to find a great white shark!

Mrs Belcher would travel through a rainforest of bananas to find a monkey!


Click here to enjoy the story!



Tuesday 2nd February





Group A

Group B
Group C

Group D

Please complete Ditty Sheet 12: A cut.

Group E



Listen to the following Dinosaur raps and have a go at joining in! Can you do some dinosaur moves whilst you rap?


The Triceratops Rap

The Tyrannosaurus Rap

The Brachiosaurus Rap 


Children's Mental Health Week


Please choose an activity from the grid below. For more information on Children's Mental Health Week you can click here


National Storytelling Week


Share the following story with your family. What happened at the beginning; in the middle; at the end? Who were the main characters? Where was the story set? Can you retell the story using different voices for each character?


Complete a little exercise by joining in with the Kidz Bop Kids dance along. Can you match your movements to the music?


Dance Along- Life of the Party 


Monday 1st February



Group A
Group B
Group C

Group D

Please complete Ditty Sheet 11: I get a hat.

Group E

For Monday's challenge, you will explore all of the different ways of making 5 with two numbers. You will  need  two colours of interlocking cubes/ Duplo/ Lego. Using the cubes, you can make towers of five using one or two of the coloured cubes. How many different ways can you find? You could even record each composition of 5 as an addition calculation.
Understanding the World

Today's activity is all about fossil making! If you don't have access to the ingredients at the moment, just have a go when you can! In the meantime you can click here to learn more about fossils! 


Once you have made your fossils you could pretend to be a paleontologist- someone that studies the fossils of plants and animals. Bury your dinosaur fossils in a sandbox, then dig them up!

Children's Mental Health Week


This week is Children's Mental Health Week. Each day we will be posting the following grid of activities designed to promote mental well being. You can choose a different activity to complete each day. 


The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is Express Yourself.

Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity. It is about finding a way to show who you are, and how you see the world, that can help you feel good about yourself.


For more information on Children's Mental Health Week you can click here

National Storytelling Week


This week is National Storytelling Week so everyday we will be posting a story for you to read. Once you have heard the story, perhaps you could have a go at retelling it to your family. What happened at the beginning; in the middle; at the end? Who were the main characters? Where was the story set? Can you retell the story using different voices for each character?



Complete a little exercise by joining in with the Kidz Bop Kids dance along. Can you match your movements to the music?


Dance Along- Best Day of my Life 
