Week 11
Friday 5th June
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Literacy- Think back to the story of Little Red Riding Hood from yesterday. Recap the story by telling it to a family member. Then, using the picture below as an idea, create your own wanted poster for the wolf. Think about how you could describe the wolf; where was he last seen- in the forest perhaps? Who do people need to call when they find the wolf?
Maths- Look at the picture below showing the different paths into the forest. Write out the numbers from each path in order but filling in the missing numbers as you go.
Expressive Arts- Have a go at creating your own stick puppets to the story and try acting it out with your family. You might even like to choose a different story to make puppets for and act out. Perhaps you have a particular story that is your favourite...
Thursday 4th June
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Literacy- Click on the document below to read the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her Grandma with a picnic basket of food. Write a list of 8 items that you would include in your picnic basket. Have a go at sounding the words out.
Maths- Complete the following addition sentences in your workbooks. You can use counters to help you if you would like.

Expressive Arts- Have a go at creating your own sea creature. Use some of the ideas below or think of your own! I'd love to see your creations!

Wednesday 3rd June
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Literacy- Look at the picture of the rocket below. Draw your own picture or print off the sheet if you are able to. Next, practise your writing by labelling each of the rockets parts. You can use the labels at the bottom of the sheet to help you.
Maths- Search for the different Space objects in the I Spy poster below. Write down how many of each object you find and add the two groups together to complete your number sentence.

Expressive Arts- Have a look at the Space picture below. What can you see in the picture? Can you create your own Space picture using paints, felt pens, crayons etc. What could you include in your picture?- a rocket? shooting star? planets?
Tuesday 2nd June
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Literacy- This week two astronauts called Bob and Doug landed on the International Space Station. Have a go at reading the following sentences linked to Space. Look out for tricky words and have a go at sounding out any words that you are unsure of. Remember 'sh', 'oo' and 'ck' are all two letters that make one sound.

Maths- Search for the different Space objects in the I Spy poster below. Write down how many of each object you find and add the two groups together to complete your number sentence.

Understanding the World- Look at the poster showing the different planets in the solar system. Can you name all of them? Which planet is closer to the sun? Which planet is furthest away? Can you have a go at remember the order of them?
Monday 1st June
Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. Click here to join in!
Literacy- Practise your writing by completing this sentence in your work books- 'In half term I ...'
Write a couple of sentences about one or two things that you did.
Maths- Copy the following number tracks in your workbooks. Can you be a number superhero and fill in all the missing numerals?
Understanding the World- Have a look at the document below that explains All About Summer. Discuss each page with your family and have a grown up read aloud the questions at the end. Can you guess the right answers?
Expressive Arts- Practise matching your movements to music and join in with the songs below
PSED- Help with some jobs around the house. Perhaps you could help make lunch or tidy the garden or your bedroom...