Week 11 (1st - 5th June)
Home Learning
Friday 5th June
Good morning Year 2,
You've made it to Friday! Well done on completing another week of home learning. We have added some of our assembly songs and lyrics below so you can have a Friday sing-a-long, just like you normally would in assembly.
We hope you all have a weekend full of fun and play!
Click on a link below for the songs and lyrics:
Thursday 4th June
Good morning Dove and Eagle Class,
We hope you are all well and keeping safe. Hopefully you have all had an opportunity to meet up with other family members or friends by now too
It was good to hear from some of you yesterday about reading the colour reading books online. Sounds like you have been doing lots of practise with your reading! Keep up the good work!
Wednesday 3rd June
Good morning Dove and Eagle Class,
What lovely weather we are having at the moment. Hopefully you’ve been able to get outside and enjoy it. Please find today’s tasks below. As always, please email us if you have any questions or want to share your learning.
We have copied the link for accessing colour reading books below. Why not try and access a reading book above your child's current reading colour and see how they get on! Log in details:
Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk
Password: Parents20!
Tuesday 2nd June
Good morning Year 2,
We hope you all managed to find the tasks yesterday and got back in to the swing of home learning. Did you access the online colour reading books? How did you get on if you did? We would love to hear all about it. Have a good day!
Monday 1st June
Good morning Dove and Eagle Class,
Welcome to week 11 of your home learning! As always, we will post your tasks each day, which will include a reading activity, English, Maths and a foundation subject. Please remember to stay active by joining in with Joe Wicks or use the Stay Active page to try something different.
We hope you all had a much needed break from home learning during half term and found our half term activities fun.
Remember to stay in touch with us, as we love hearing from you, seeing what learning you have been doing and the things you have achieved.