Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Fri 8th

Good morning Goldfinch.  I really hope that you have had a safe and happy week at home.  Each week I would really like you to send me an email with at least one piece of your work attached.  I don't mind what, but I would then love to share it on here with our class so we can celebrate the work you are doing!


Please also look out for an email from me, as from next week you will be invited to join a class meeting each day.  Details to follow in an email.  You can then use this time to ask any questions, we can look at the work you have done so far and have a nice catch up as a class.


Remember please just email me if you have any questions and take care!


From Mrs Baker


Handwriting - lowercase letter formation

Read, Write, Inc
Group 1: Red group
Group 2 - Pink Group
Group 3: Grey Group

PSHE/ Writing task

Please have a read of this news article with someone at home.  Write down your thoughts and ideas and then email them to Mrs Baker


Group 1: Find and make number bonds

Find and make number bonds" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Group 2: Multiplication using the x symbol

Multiplication using the x symbol" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo.
