Week 17 13th July
Well done - you did it! This is the last week of term before the summer holiday.
It's been so strange not seeing most of you since the middle of March, but it's been lovely to keep in touch with you through email and Zoom calls. Each class is having an end of year party on Zoom this week, so check your emails if you haven't already got this in your diary!
We hope you all have a fantastic holiday, and we're really looking forward to having you back in September. Take care, and feel free to keep in touch!
Falcon Class, Mrs Molley, jmolley@manor.reading.sch.uk
Heron Class, Mr Jeffreys, pjeffreys@manor.reading.sch.uk
Jay Class, Mrs Farrell, Mrs Belcher and Miss Marney, dfarrell@manor.reading.sch.uk and sbelcher@manor.reading.sch.uk and dmarney@manor.reading.sch.uk