Year 1
Hello Everyone,
Myself and Mrs Taylor miss you all lots and hope that you are all keeping well and safe. We are incredibly proud of all the learning that you are doing and I love seeing your smiley faces on your home learning photos! All the staff at Manor Primary hope that this will make you smile....We hope that you enjoying it!
Stay safe!
Week One (23rd - 27th March)
Friday 27th March 2020
Good Morning Crane Class,
Happy Friday to you all! Thank you so much for all of the lovely photos that you have sent to me. I have had some beautiful photos of rainbows and some of your other learning. They are just below so you can have a look with your families. Continue to enjoy the sunshine and don't forget to start the day with some exercise. Joe Wicks starts streaming live at 9am. Below is my email address.... Please stay in touch!
I have also attached a link for some online bedtime stories. They are currently free to access. Enjoy!
Take care and stay safe
Mrs Haines
Crane Class Home Learning
Daily Plan
Writing Picture
Thursday's Maths answers
Maths - Subtraction
Thursday 26th March 2020
Good morning Crane Class,
I hope you are all well and keeping safe. We are incredibly lucky with all of this beautiful sunshine. I have received some lovely photos and emails about the lovely work that you have been doing. Please keep sharing them with me. It's good to keep in touch.
Mrs Haines
Daily Planner
Writing Picture
Rainbow Trail
Nationwide, people have been creating rainbows and displaying them in their windows.
Could you create your own rainbow, to display in your window. These will help to cheer people up who are on their way to work or on their daily walk. There is a document attached below with some ideas you could use.
Email us your rainbows so we can share them on this page and our Facebook page.
Rainbow Art Templates
Crane Class Home Learning
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Good Morning,
I hope you are all well and enjoying this beautiful sunshine. I have added a few websites below that you could use to listen to or read some new books:
Once again if there are any problems please email me
Have a good day
Daily plan
Picture for Writing
Maths - Subtraction
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Good morning everyone,
I hope you had a good day yesterday and managed to enjoy the sunshine. There are lots of different signs of spring now... maybe you could try and spot some. Once again, I have attached the work for today. If you look at the daily timetable, it will explain what you need to do. I have written the activities down in the same sequence that we do them in school.
If you are finding anything too hard, leave it and go on to the next activity. Once again if you have any questions please email me
Daily timetable
Maths answers for Monday 23rd March
Good morning Crane Class,
Have a good day today! Mr Lathia has put a link on the 'Stay Active' page for Joe Wicks PE sessions. This is a good way to start each day. If you have any questions please email me.
My email is
Mrs Haines