Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Support for incident in Forbury Park, 20th June 2020

Please see below an email offering support from  Dr. Deborah Hunter, Head of SEND and Principal Child & Educational Psychologist at Reading Borough Council.




Reading is a close community, and we have all been affected by the shocking attack in Forbury Park on Saturday evening. Most of us will be able to manage our feelings of grief and shock, but we are aware that some children, young people, families and staff may be particularly affected and need some additional support and help.

As such, we have 3 levels of support:


  1. We have outlined some advice for parents and staff to support children and young people. This has been sent to schools, will be on the Local Offer, and sent to parents via FIS and RFF.
  2. Should you need further support please contact your school SENCO who can tell you what support is available for children and young people from their school or college.  
  3. If you, your child or someone you know has been affected and needs further support and / or advice, we have set up a Helpline:



0118 937 2080  


This will be manned all day and until 8pm in the evening.
