Manor Primary School

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Years 3 & 4 Spring Term

From Monday 25th January, all home learning will be posted in Google Classroom. If you need help, take a look here, or email your class teacher. 
Click on the star to access your learning for the week.

Welcome to the Spring term home learning page for year 3 and 4 children. We'll be posting things here by 5pm for the following day, to give parents time to do any printing, etc. if needed.

Feel free to keep in touch with your class teachers and let us know if you need anything:

Falcon: Mr Jeffreys

Heron: Mrs Morris and Mrs Carlucci

Jay: Miss Marney


If you would like to access free books to read please follow this link to register, for free, and select your age range: 

Friday 8th January 2021

Phonics for Heron and Jay class

In phonics, the children work in small groups.  You will find a list of the phonics groups below so you know which group you are in.  Groups A and B need to complete the speed sounds 2 activities daily.  Groups C, D and E need to complete the speed sounds 3 activities daily.

Phonics Groups

Phonics Groups A and B
Phonics Groups C, D and E

Maths-Heron and Jay Class

Please watch the video before completing the activities.

Add 2-digit and 3-digit numbers - crossing 10 or 100


Maths activity

Complete as many questions as you can.  Why not have go at the challenges too!

Answers for Thursday's Maths

Maths Falcon - Add two 4-digit numbers with more than one exchange

A great reminder about adding with more than one exchange

Maths Falcon challenge

How many of these words are you confident to use in a sentence?


Which of them are useful to explain what you have done today? See if you can write a few sentences to explain what you've done. 




Open and follow through the power point. The information will help you complete your activity.


Create a poster about endangered animals. You could choose one animal to draw and write about or choose a number of them. You may wish to research a different animal. Think about how you would like to present your ideas. 


Here are some examples that may help you 


If you are able, send your work to your teacher.

Thursday 7th January

Maths-Heron and Jay Class

Please watch the video before completing the activities.

Mixed addition and subtraction problems


Maths activity

Complete as many questions as you can.  Why not have go at the challenges too!

Answers for Wednesday's Maths

Maths Falcon - Practise adding two 4-digit numbers with one exchange

A good reminder about adding 4-digit numbers with one exchange, using the column method.

Maths Falcon challenge

Phonics Groups A and B
Phonics Groups C, D and E


Complete the exercises on the sheet. How quickly can you do them? Can someone in your house complete them quicker?

Once you have tried the given exercises, make up your own 10-1 exercises and see how quickly you can do them. 


In this lesson, the children will be learning about facing and overcoming challenges. Look at the pictures and answer the questions in your head or with someone in your house.
Activity: Think of 2 or 3 people you know who have overcome challenges. They may be people that you know or celebrities. Draw a picture and write about the challenges that these people have faced. If you are able, send a picture of your work to your teacher. 

Wednesday 6th January 2021

Maths-Heron and Jay Class

Please watch the video before completing the activities.

Subtract a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number - crossing 100


Maths activity

Complete as many questions as you can.  Why not have go at the challenges too!

Answers for Tuesday's Maths

Maths Falcon - Roman Numerals

This is a recap on Roman numerals that we did last term. As a quick reminder:

Hope that helps!

Maths Falcon Challenge

Phonics Groups A and B
Phonics Groups C, D and E

Art Lesson 1

In this lesson, you will be learning about Carl Giles, a famous cartoonist. Look at the power point first and then complete the activity.

Introduction to Carl Giles


Choose 2 or 3 of the cartoons and have a go at copying them. Remember, they are made up of shapes and lines so start looking for which sections will be easiest. If you are able, email your pictures to your teacher so they can see. 

Tuesday 5th


Maths-Falcon Class

Maths- Falcon class challenge

Maths-Heron and Jay Class

Add 3-digit and 2-digit numbers - crossing 100


Maths Activity-Complete as many questions as you can. Why not have a go at the challenge too!

Phonics groups A and B
Phonics groups C, D and E