Manor Primary School

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Friday 15th January

Morning Eagle Class,


It's Friday, the end of another week and you have been working hard, well done! We'll find out who has won the Class Challenge on our zoom call today. Also, please save some recycling over the weekend ready to do some junk modelling in art on Monday.


Enjoy today's learning and then have a great weekend.


Mrs Molley

Phonics Lessons and Reading Activity - Group E please practice reading the story and if you like you can send me a video of you reading all or part of it.

Friday Completing your comic strip.mp4

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Maths Blue Group - Add by making 10

Watch the video and practice using ten frames and counters to add 2 numbers making 10 first. If you don't have anything for counters you could draw them in rows like a ten frame instead.Knowing your number bonds to 10 well will help here so I have put the Hit the Button game up as well for some practice.

Maths Green Group - Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number - crossing 10

You will be subtracting crossing 10 today using counting back on a number line but trying to use your number bonds to make it easier. You will also be using base 10 so if you have anything you could use like small lego bricks for ones and long thin ones for 10s that would be useful. You will be exchanging 1 ten for 10 ones to that you can do the subtraction. If you don't have any practical resources then you can draw base 10.

PSHE - Dreams and Goals

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PSHE Video
