Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Week 9 18th May

Friday 22nd May 2020


It's been another busy week of home learning and we're very impressed with the fantastic work you continue to share with us. We have also enjoyed hearing about all the other crafts and projects you have been working on too.


Today is the last day before half term. Next week we will upload some fun and exciting activities you might like to join in with- so don't forget to look at the class page next week!


Finally, we would like to wish Eid Mubarak to all our families celebrating this weekend! We hope you all have a fantastic half term. Stay safe and keep smiling!


Falcon Class, Mrs Molley,
Heron Class, Mr Jeffreys,
Jay Class, Mrs Farrell, Mrs Belcher and Miss Marney, and and

Mr Majeika Chapter 8

Super work!

Thursday 21st May 2020


What lovely weather we are enjoying! On our Zoom calls this week a few children have mentioned all the birds the they can see from their window or in their gardens and how much they have enjoyed watching them. Have a look at this resource to find out a bit more about the feathered friends in your locality! 


Happy bird-spotting!


Mr Majeika Chapter 7

Wednesday 20th May

Morning everyone, we hope you are enjoying the fantastic weather but remember to stay safe in the sun too - slip on a t-shirt, slap on some suncream, slop on a hat! Here is today's home learning, enjoy.

Mr Majeika Chapter 6

What I would take to space with me...

Mr Majeika Chapter 5

Ruby's astronaut helmet

Wonderful work!

Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed some of the nice weather over the weekend. We hope you're enjoying Mrs Farrell reading a chapter of Mr Majeika each day. We love seeing pictures of your learning last week, particularly some of the earth and space tasks. There are a few more fun astronaut activities coming up this week!


Keep in touch and we look forward to chatting with you on video calls during the week. 


Falcon Class, Mrs Molley,
Heron Class, Mr Jeffreys,
Jay Class, Mrs Farrell, Mrs Belcher and Miss Marney, and and

Outdoor Learning and Space work
