Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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11th - 15th January

Hello Magpie and Nightingale, 

We hope you all had a good weekend and found navigating the home learning easy enough last week. It was lovely to see so many faces on our zoom calls last week and we look forward to seeing you all again this week. If you have any questions about the home learning, then please email us on the email addresses below. 


Year 5 - you only need to complete the Year 5 maths task.

Year 6 - you only need to complete the Year 6 maths task.

The maths challenge is an optional task for you to complete each day if you feel up to the challenge!

You all need to complete the Reading, English and foundation subject that will be set each day.


If you would like to access free books to read please follow this link to register, for free, and select your age range: 


Miss Thompson -

Mrs Harris -

Friday 15th January


This is your final lesson for the persuasive writing unit. Today, you will complete your persuasive advert for a healthy snack, that you have designed. Remember to use the work that you have been learning over the last two weeks to help you write your advert. Here is a reminder of some of the features you have learnt:


Scientific vocabulary



Subordinating conjunctions


Rhyme, alliteration and puns


We have set this as a task on Google Classroom but if you have already done your advert in the style of a poster, please send us a photo of your work as we would love to see your healthy snack advert!

Today, maths will be a little different! We have set you some maths challenges to complete. Both Year 5 and Year 6 should complete the document titled: 'Maths Challenges'. Here you will find two challenges that need to be completed; there may be multiple solutions for you to find for each challenge! If you want an extra challenge, find the extra challenges for your year group attached! Good luck!

Picture News

Take a look at the 'Picture News at Home' resource below. Discuss the questions with an adult or an older sibling. 

If you have time and want to do some extra reading, the 'Picture News Paper' has some interesting articles to read. One article is about discovering new talents during lockdown. Have you discovered any new talents or can now do something you couldn't do before?


Today in science you will be exploring asexual and sexual plant reproduction and the life cycle of plants. follow the link and follow the instructions. There are some videos and activities for you to do and also some extra ideas for you if you want to do more at home. Just do what you can and enjoy!


Thursday 14th January



In today's lesson you are going to focus on using complex sentences. You will be learning how to use subordinating conjunctions and choosing the most appropriate ones for your writing. You will then use these alongside the scientific vocabulary, comparatives and superlatives that you have learnt. If you have any notes or work from this week and last week, put them in front of you to help you write your complex sentences. 

Year 6 Maths - Division to solve problems

Today, there are two different maths tasks of different challenge levels. Task 1 is slightly easier than task 2. If you choose to complete task 1 and want a bit of a challenge, complete task 2. If you begin with task 2 and want an extra challenge, complete the Year 6 maths challenge below.

Year 5 Maths - Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number

Today, you are going to be multiplying 4-digits by 2-digits. Remember to put in your zero as a place holder when multiplying the digits by your tens digit! If you are finding it difficult, only complete page 1 of the worksheet. We will go through any issues on our zoom calls with you later. If you finish and want an extra challenge, complete the Year 5 maths challenge below.


In Art this week, you are going to need to collect some eye-catching, colourful packaging such as sweet wrappers, biscuit wrappers, cereal boxes etc. Follow the steps on the slides. Keep your work ready for next weeks lesson! Please email us your masterpieces as we would love to see them!

Wednesday 13th January
Before you complete your task in Google Classrooms, watch the video in the link above that will teach you all about creating catchy slogans for your healthy snack! We can't wait to see what you come up with!

Year 6 Maths - Divide decimals by integers

Today, you are going to be dividing decimals by integers (whole numbers). Remember to use bus stop method to help you and don't forget to include the decimal point in your answer! If you are finding it difficult, only complete page 1 of the worksheet. We will go through any issues on our zoom calls with you later. If you finish and want an extra challenge, complete the Year 6 maths challenge below.

Year 5 Maths - Multiply 4-digits by 2-digits lesson 1

Today, you are going to be multiplying 4-digits by 2-digits. Remember to put in your zero as a place holder when multiplying the digits by your tens digit! If you are finding it difficult, only complete page 1 of the worksheet. We will go through any issues on our zoom calls with you later. If you finish and want an extra challenge, complete the Year 5 maths challenge below.


Every week, as part of PE, I will be putting up some challenges to help keep you active and fit. Try these tasks everyday and get into some sort of routine doing them. I will change these challenges every week. See if you can challenge someone at home and give yourself some real competition. What was your personal best? See if you can improve everyday with practice! There is a video attached to the challenges to show you how to do each one, just click the link on the page that's above each challenge. The challenges are fairly simple so you all of you will be able to do them. Good luck and stay fit.

Tuesday 12th January


In today's lesson you are going to learn more root words that you can apply the suffixes 'er', 'est' and 'test' to. You will need to know and understand the following key vocabulary:

Suffix - a group of letters at the end of a word that changes its meaning.

Root word - most basic version of a word.

Adjective - an adjective describes a noun.

Year 6 Maths - Multiply decimals by integers

Today, there are two different maths tasks of different challenge levels. Task 1 is slightly easier than task 2. If you choose to complete task 1 and want a bit of a challenge, complete task 2. If you begin with task 2 and want an extra challenge, complete the Year 6 maths challenge below.

Year 5 Maths - Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits

Watch the video below before completing your maths task for the day. If you are finding it difficult, complete page 1 of the worksheet, page 2 will give you a little bit of challenge! Complete the Year 5 maths challenge for even more of a challenge! If you are finding any of the work difficult, remember to email us or tell us about it in our daily Zoom calls so we can go through it with you. Good luck!

Monday 11th January


In today's lesson you will exploring unhealthy and healthy snacks. There is a warm up writing task which revisits using superlatives, such as greatest and fastest. You will then begin to think about your healthy snack. When you are doing this, think of the purpose of the snack and the audience.

Purpose: To design a healthy snack

Audience: Will it be for yourself? Your parent? Your teacher? Or someone else?

Year 6 Maths - Divide by 10 100 and 1000

Watch the video below before completing your maths task for the day. If you are finding it difficult, complete page 1 of the worksheet, page 2 will give you a little bit of challenge! Complete the Year 6 maths challenge for even more of a challenge! If you are finding any of the work difficult, remember to email us or tell us about it in our daily Zoom calls so we can go through it with you. Good luck!

Year 5 Maths - Multiply 2-digits by 2-digits

Watch the video below before completing your maths task for the day. If you are finding it difficult, complete page 1 of the worksheet, page 2 will give you a little bit of challenge! Complete the Year 5 maths challenge for even more of a challenge! If you are finding any of the work difficult, remember to email us or tell us about it in our daily Zoom calls so we can go through it with you. Good luck!
