Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Week 5 (20th - 24th April)

Internet safety from Josh!

Some great work from Kayden!


Some brilliant maths work from Alex. Well done! 

Internet safety

Passport Challenge - Thailand

Trap Homework Idea

Keep sharing your work with us!

Please email in your reading and writing work from Tuesday 21st April when you are done. We look forward to seeing what you produce! 

Hello everyone! We hope you've had a lovely Easter and that you are all doing well. Home learning will begin again today, with work being posted daily and the answers being posted the next day. We miss seeing you everyday and look forward to being sent some more of your brilliant work. You can still email us your work or even just to check in! We look forward to hearing from you soon smiley


Miss Thompson:

Mr Lathia:
