Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Manor Primary recognises its legal and ethical duty to promote the well-being of pupils at the school, protect them from harm, and take appropriate action where we have concerns. We agree that we have a primary responsibility for the care, welfare and safety of the pupils in our charge, and we will carry out this duty through our teaching and learning, extra curricular activities, pastoral care and extended school activities.


The school seeks to adopt an open and accepting attitude towards children as part of their responsibility for pastoral care. The school hopes that parents and children will feel free to talk about any concerns and will see school as a safe place if there are any difficulties at home.


All members of staff (including volunteers and governors) in this school, in whatever capacity, will at all times act pro-actively in child welfare matters.


Our aim is to ensure a safe, secure environment for all our children and on occasions children can disclose information about events in their lives to an adult in school.  If the nature of this disclosure deems it necessary, the designated safeguarding officer has legal obligation to inform the Child Protection Team within Children's Services.


Our current Designated Safeguarding Leads are 


Mrs Fiona Swain, Headteacher

Miss Emma Anderson, Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Deepa Farrell, Deputy Headteacher


The Designated Safeguarding Governor is Ms Deborah Edwards.


CP Safeguarding amendment Covid-19 March 2020

Useful Safeguarding Links