Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Autumn 2021

Dear Parents

We hope you and your children have enjoyed a return to school so far this term. We are really pleased to see the children coming in so enthusiastically and being keen to learn.
As you will see over the page, we’ve got a busy few months ahead! Hopefully these summaries give you a flavour of what we will be learning, in case you would like to help your child explore these topics more at home.

We ask children to read daily, whether a physical book or using their login to We also expect children to be regularly using to become quicker and more confident in using their times tables facts. The government now expects all children to be confident up to 12x12 by the end of year 4. Some children will also have a set of spelling words to learn each week, depending on which English or phonics group they are in. 

Feel free to get in touch with any questions you have.

Miss Marney
Mr Jeffreys

This term, pupils will be learning the following:


Children are learning about a range of input devices which help us to measure the weather. They will design their own weather stations, using a selection of online tools. We will also cover a number of aspects of staying safe online. 


We are helping children to learn geographical facts about Scotland and Germany. They will also investigate weather patterns around the world and how the climate is changing over time. 


In the first half term, children are learning about the parts of a flower. They will be able to explain the function of each part, as well as different methods of plant reproduction. In the second half term, we will learn about human teeth and the digestive system. They will also explore food chains and webs for a number of different habitats. 


Design & Technology
Children are learning how to safely cut a variety of fruits to make different seasonal dishes. They will learn how to make fruit kebabs, a fruit crumble and fruit tarts. 


For children in year 3, they will experience their first taste of learning a foreign language in school. They will be able to count up to 10, talk about their age, and use a range of greetings. For children in year 4, they will build on this to be able to shop for a range of different things using French vocabulary.


Religious Education
In the first half term, children will explore Judaism and understand the importance of connections with God. In the second half term, we will investigate which aspects of the nativity story are most important to Christians. 


Physical Education
Children will develop their throwing, catching, passing and running skills as part of playing tag rugby games. In the second half term, children will build practice and perform a variety of different formations in dance. They will do this using freeze frames in routines as well as performing in their own class Christmas dance. 


In the first half term, children in year 3 will receive tuition from Berkshire Maestros to play recorders. In the second half term, all children will explore a unit looking at how music can bring us closer together. 


Children will explore formal elements of art including charcoal mark making, printing, stamp printing, reflection and symmetry. 


Children will learn about British settlements by the Anglo-Saxons and the Scots. This will include the invasions, place names, village life, artefacts, gods and the conversion to Christianity. 
